resident evil 5 remastered review
I want Resident Evil to be RESIDENT EVIL. This HD port was clearly a cash grab, but at least it’s a reasonable price. Nothing has been added that wasn’t in Resident Evil 5 to begin with, although all of its DLC is included here. amzn_assoc_linkid = "cd49eed77d9c914e30ab3b8501da2ece"; In RE4 you had to kill them. Capcom has shown in the past that they can add meaningful content (such as characters in Devil May Cry 4) and improve flawed releases, but this port does none of it. The numbered sequels that followed that genre-changing title seemed to gear more towards action as opposed to what made Resident Evil a household name in the first place. Now I know that the game has co-op for a reason, but since I’m sporadic when I play video games, I felt like the easiest way for me to finish the game was to lone wolf it. Resident Evil 5 remastered was reviewed on the PlayStation 4 using a retail copy purchased by Niche Gamer. WITH A KNIFE. Resident Evil 5 is a game that kind of fell into obscurity after it’s release, only being remember as the one that was “Exactly like Resident Evil 4” or “the one where Chris Redfield punched a boulder while fighting the main villain inside of a Volcano” … saying that out loud kind of shows just how stupid Resident Evil 5 is, doesn’t it? You can play as Rebecca Chambers (my first video game waifu) in Mercenaries mode, this is a definite plus. Resident Evil 5 is the latest in the Resident Evil franchise to get an HD face lift for the modern consoles and to be honest…it’s probably the game that needed one the least. I’ll state up front that Resident Evil 5 isn’t a bad game, and in fact I think most of the hate this game gets is almost completely unwarranted. However if you’re looking for a horror game, I’d say you’re much better off picking up either Resident Evil or Resident Evil 0 HD for $20 a piece. Capcom has been consistently remastering Resident Evil games for over the past year now, and it’s been interesting getting to experience these notable games for the first time. Even with the addition of all the DLC content and a frame rate of 60fps, Resident Evil 5 for the Playstation 4 and Xbox One is missing a lot of things that are expected of a good remaster. Think about it… in the beginning of each game, you’re fighting mostly normal villagers, then you fight some weirdos who look like they live in another time period, then you end it by fighting soldiers. As far as I’m concerned, … But honestly, Resident Evil 4 had bloody great trolls and Resident Evil 5 saw Chris Redfield duffing up a massive boulder. The actual quality of the DLC is fine, with the Lost in Nightmares chapter being one of the best in the game due to its focus on puzzle solving over combat while Desperate Escape is essentially 100% combat. Teil, der Ende August folgen wird, kann man die Zeit bis dahin überbrücken. From there Chris and Sheva fight their way through villages, marshes, factories and tanker ships looking for Jill and attempting to stop Wesker from deploying a new bio-organic weapon called Uroboros, a parasitic tentacle-like monster that kills all in its path. Resident Evil 5 immediately feels incredibly dated and backwards for a title that is only 7 years old and that’s largely because it was behind the curve when it came out. Still skeptical about VII since it looks more like indie-game-for-YouTube-esque horror than Resident Evil horror. I’m looking forward to see what VII can bring to the table. We recommend the game only to those who couldn't play it in the past generation and who are looking for a good action game, despite some obsolete mechanics, with an interesting game coop. The series had already shifted focus to action in Resident Evil 4 and this was them taking the next step. While this may seem like a problem at first, you’ll most likely get the hang of it about an hour in and will no longer need to worry. Games so rarely have that feature nowadays, I wouldn’t put it past Capcom to accidentally leave it out. Here’s a review of it and a brief discussion about its identity as a Resident Evil game. The gameplay is pretty standard. This is the Resident Evil 5 remaster for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Yeah I know that Resident Evil 6 is panned by most people and it got an HD re-release as well, but that game had more going for it whether you enjoyed the game or not. This package also allows you to unlock two new characters in the all-new The Mercenaries Reunion. Chris Redfield isn’t able to walk while aiming, as the series would have to wait for Resident Evil 6 for that gameplay innovation. ESRB Rating: Mature | Jul 12, 2016 | by Capcom. After Jill Valentine is rescued by Chris Redfield, he leaves her to finish his mission. But like they did in Revelations 2, they can just pull another Wesker out of the hat and say “This Wesker wasn’t actually dead! amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; Like the giant boss fight for example was just a generic rail shooter level. Resident Evil 5 ushered in a new and unique era for the survival horror franchise. Even simply watching Chris and his partner Sheva walk around the environment is incredibly awkward as they slide around the ground not moving like an actual human. I played through RE5 a few times when I first got it but never felt the desire to revisit it. RE5 was hella fun, and the game looked fantastic, but as a Resident Evil game it's sorely lacking. This even includes the Versus mode DLC that Capcom had the audacity to actually charge people for back when Resident Evil 5 first released. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; That’s not the case with this game. From what I saw at E3 though, they seem to know what they are doing. Während bereits der vierte Teil der Grusel-Reihe erhebliche Änderungen am Konzept vornahm, ging Capcom damals beim Nachfolger konsequent einen Schritt weiter und entführte die Spieler ins sonnige Afrika. The issue is that grenade launchers don’t work on it, but Chris’ fists do. - Comes with 1 basic mod for RE6 (removes the "input device has changed" text). Unfortunately, classic RE games had control schemes that lent themselves better to tense exploration and puzzle-solving than to action-heavy boss battles.. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). When he arrives in Kjuju, Africa he meets up with his new partner, Sheva. It’s … I was disappointed with how they toned down the deaths from RE4. Funnily enough, it’s why I think the Resident Evil films manage to capture the feel of the games so well; back in 2001 they felt incongruous, but now the films are only slightly more batshit than the games. Yeah Resident Evil 5 fails at being a horror game, with not even a single scare and stupid story, but it sure as heck is a fun action game. The remake's new aiming and movement, … This will eventually stop being a problem as time goes on and completely stops being an issue after your first playthrough. However, where the colors in the environments may be lacking, Resident Evil 5 does make up for it with the HD character models. Instead, players are left with a heavily frustrating game that doesn’t deliver satisfying action yet focuses on that aspect. Editor’s Note: This is a review coupled with a video review. Luckily, I was able to sort this problem out by giving her a sniper rifle so she’d stay behind me but still, the AI became such a problem there were entire chapters where I just refused to give her ammo at all, knowing that she’s waste it. Resident Evil 5 Releases for PS4, Xbox One Today. Much like the game’s controls, Resident Evil 5 looks dated. Features: - Simplifies installing and uninstalling mods, including making automatic backups. Now this is not to say that I think both games are even, but you’ll have to wait until next month for the Resident Evil 4 review. Genuinely one of my favorite co-op games of all time. The game has a ton of replay value, whether it’s running through the game to grab all the emblems or just playing mercenaries. The event is significant due to the revival of Resident Evil series in the recent times, thanks to Resident Evil 7 and the latest one, Resident Evil 2 Remake. Chris, Sheva, Jill, Wesker, and just about every single enemy in the game look great, not so good that they don’t look like they are in an HD port of a game from the previous generation, but still look pretty good. The enemy designs were uninspired. Find out how she made it out on her own, and what role Josh Stone played in her escape. Resident Evil 5 is a fun and frantic evolution of RE4's breakthrough gameplay and the series' horror themes. If you didn’t play this game with a co-op partner, this entire review is pointless. Tyler takes a look at one of the more divisive games released in the previous console generation. Every level felt like it was built on the same formula: walk around, shoot dozens of enemies, solve a rudimentary puzzle and then get to an area where both players were needed to advance. also Resident evil 5 have all DLC : Versus - Lost in nightmare - Desperate escape , that all are 19,99$ I do not see any diminish frame in during game . It went from using incredibly stiff and awkward tank controls to playing like a modern game. I think the only real flaw I ran into with this playthrough of Resident Evil 5 is that I felt Sheva’s AI got dumber. amzn_assoc_enable_interest_ads = "true"; Resident Evil 5’s campaign relies on throwing enemies constantly at the player, and never lets them breathe. The monster designs were also at their creepiest because of the jaggy pixel look of the PS1. The boss fights in the original Resident Evil 2 were certainly memorable: seeing Birkin morph into ever more grotesque forms and then blasting away at him was impressive for the time. Resident Evil is back – Resident Evil 5 ist zwar noch kein neues Spiel, das kommt erst im Januar 2017 mit Resident Evil 7, aber mit dem Remastered Versionen von Resident Evil 6, 5 und dem nicht mehr indizierten 4. Troopers, a Lost Planet spinoff which has you piloting a talking mecha and ORA ORA stuff (including boulders) in space for the climax. amzn_assoc_region = "US"; So Capcom had made the conscious description to just say “To hell with horror games, let’s make an action movie” and that’s exactly what we got. It was incredibly frustrating to be failing not due to my own play, but due to the computer just being awful. The only positive things I can say, at least it looks good graphically, and it’s not Umbrella Corps. In 1998 a special forces team is sent to investigate some bizarre murders on the outskirts of Raccoon City. !”, and there go Chris and the entourage to the rescue again. © 2013-2021 Niche Gamer. Resident Evil Village is something you need to experience for yourself. Is that the end of the world? The AI was easily the worst part but if you have a friend then you understand the reason this game was often touted as one of the best co-op experiences in the PS3/360 era. After all is said and done, Resident Evil 6’s re-release is still a bit of a letdown. Silent Hill was being mutilated by western developers, and there weren’t any other developers who were really making an attempt at the genre yet either. For such a linear experience, Resident Evil 5 does a decent job of making combat bowls feel big; you'll get flanked by undead hordes if you don't pay particular attention to … That was probably due to rating boards shenanigans. To say that I wasn’t a huge fan of Resident Evil 7 is a bit of an understatement. The graphics are updated, but are barely noticable. Let’s just hope that Capcom doesn’t screw up Resident “Totally not Silent Hills” Evil 7. The remaster of Resident Evil 5 comes with all the DLC previously released for the game, including the two DLC stories Lost in Nightmares and Desperate Escape. I wouldn’t wish the default co-op AI in re5 on anyone,, Gamers Lament Over Diablo II: Resurrected Alpha Test Censorship, Amazon Butt and More, Outraged Users Claim This Land is My Land Game is Racist for Not Hiring Native Americans, Microsoft Hires Anime Girl VTubers to Promote Xbox Game Pass in Japan, Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous Launches September 2, Conan Exiles is Coming to Xbox Game Pass, Isle of Siptah Expansion Launches May 27. It’s similar to how RE4 talks about closed communities that are still controlled by religious dogma. The same can’t be said for Resident Evil 5, as it hasn’t been altered at all. Since the game was clearly designed for consoles first and foremost, this doesn’t amount to a meaningful difference visually. As the story progresses, Chris discovers that his old partner and friend Jill Valentine, who he thought had been killed in a confrontation with Albert Wesker several years earlier, may still be alive. The actual quality of these re-releases vastly differed as Resident Evil and Resident Evil 0 both were retooled significantly while Resident Evil 6 was basically the PC version ported to consoles. Resident Evil 5 Review. Like the other Resident Evil ports that have come before this one, the game itself remains near identical to its previous iteration, albeit with a shinier coat of paint. A video maker, history buff, and college student. Capitalizing on its popularity, Capcom has ported, but not necessarily remastered, Resident Evil 5 to current generation platforms, hopefully grabbing new players and bringing back old fans as well. Along with the single player campaign is mercenaries making a return as well, with the master roster of Resident Evil characters to choose from, you must fight enemies to rake up high scores before your time limit runs out. My partner and I had to stop playing really early in the game because it was so hard to see. The gameplay is a ton of fun, taking the time to line up a shot just right to blow an enemy’s brains out with your handgun is always satisfying. The coop felt tacked on. Since the core gunplay feels incredibly stiff and awkward, it quickly becomes exhausting. I really hope RE7 changes the trend and introduces some new cast members. $19.25 $ 19. It was a … It looks like every Unity horror game out there. The Resident Evil remake is almost perfect. The character models look great, it’s nice to see Jill Valentine in that leather body suit in HD. I honestly enjoy RE5 and 6. ... Book reviews & recommendations: IMDb Movies, TV & Celebrities: IMDbPro Get Info Entertainment Professionals … Call me an old coot, but I preferred the Tank Control Biohazard games. “It’s incredibly disappointing to see Resident Evil 5 get such a bare bones release on modern day consoles.”. I heard that and immediately just thought. I’ll say this again: ... Resident Evil Zero HD Remaster has the look and feel of a modern game, but its real problems started in 2002 and were never solved. Whether it was standing behind me, shooting me in the back and wasting bullets, or her running in front of me to waste my ammo, Sheva’s AI was the real villain of Resident Evil 5 all along. While giving that game a 2.5 out of 5 stars, I just couldn’t get behind the adventures of Ethan Winters as he tries to find Mia and face down the Baker Family.It was a great VR horror experience, but I just didn’t think it was worthy of the Resident Evil branding. Capcom’s recent trend of remastering the Resident Evil series to current gen consoles continues with Resident Evil 5. All rights reserved. Resident Evil is a globally recognizable horror franchise with decades of history under its belt. It’s practically the same game. Control-C and Control-V. That’s how some parts of the game feel. You can find additional information … Agreed. Resident evil 5 remaster is excellent remaster because 60 FPS & 1080 also improvements in design texture and textures resolution that improved . Thirteen years ago, Capcom helped revolutionize the … Each character has a different load out and abilities that can be used to lay waste to your foes, this is probably one of the best arcade-y game modes I’ve played in an action game like this. The game had no atmosphere. The competitive multiplayer is somewhat fun, but is still pretty bad. I’ve only seen one film touch on that which is The Constant Gardner. If we are talking realism then they also shouldn’t be able to breathe in there. One of the reasons I was able to enjoy Resident Evil 0 was due to Capcom modernizing the controls of the 2002 survival horror game. As they make their way through the village, they discover that many of the villagers have been infected by the Las Plagues parasites from Resident Evil 4. “It still plays like Capcom was trying to figure out how to make a third-person shooter, and it feels dated from the very beginning.”. Resident Evil 5 had its time to shine in 2009, but even rose tinted glasses can’t save this game in 2016. Resident Evil 5 Review Capcom has been consistently remastering Resident Evil games for over the past year now, and it’s been interesting getting … Rating boards are cancer. Resident Evil 5 - Standard Edition - PlayStation 4. The game that defined the survival-horror genre is back! The second and more founded reason for people disliking Resident Evil 5, was that the game is pretty much just a carbon copy of Resident Evil 4. There’s an episode of Censored Gaming covering the censorship in the Japanese version of RE4 and they had to tone down Leon’s death animations, they didn’t get any decapitations over there. Lover of JRPG's and musou games. Supports many different Capcom games. There are only two parts that have really received excellent treatment, that is the beginning and the conclusion, with some acute parentheses here and there. It’s incredibly disappointing to see Resident Evil 5 get such a bare bones release on modern day consoles. They’re stupid games, and stray even further from the series roots than 4, but they’re still a fun time – especially in co-op. I quickly gave up on playing this solo and played exclusively with a friend. This is definitely true, even down to the story beats. amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; Resident Evil 5’s core hook at the time was that it featured cooperative play, and playing with a friend is still the best way to experience it. Check out the remastered HD version of Resident Evil. Seems like what made one of the best games from Capcom in the PSOne era is now one of the best part of their RE series. RE5 is a 6/10 in singleplayer, 9/10 in co-op. Lining up shots, building combos, desperately looking for hour glasses to extend your timeline, are a blast. Me and a buddy are playing it, 5 and 6 just make me want a RE4 with coop tacked on none of them are anything but action horror anyways. You can watch the video review above, or read a transcript of the video below. I constantly had to fumble around with an archaic inventory system to quickly reload guns, or switch to a grenade. amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "auto"; All of this comes with a price tag of $20 dollars both digitally and at retail. Stark auf Koop-Gameplay ausgerichtet, ist Resident Evil 5 einer der Titel, welcher unter Fans noch heute stark umstritten ist. I tried to play the game solo, but even on the game’s easiest difficulty my partner was continually getting killed by enemies leaving me to stare at game over screens. This HD remastered edition of Resident Evil looks pretty good on the new-gen consoles, thanks to 1080p resolution and some nicely touched up backgrounds and textures, with the PC … PlayStation 4. It’s a step back from the Resident Evil 0 remaster earlier this year and that’s a bummer. The bosses all end up being pretty imposing and frightening too, even the boulder! It’s the original scenario with the benefit of modern bells and whistles. Which is a shame because I like video game genres to have variety. Tweet; The Resident Evil series has been going through a bit of an identity crisis in a post-Resident Evil 4 world. There are plenty of weapons that the player can buy or find around the map, as well as an ability to upgrade them to be powerful monster killers. Looked absolutely stunning when it came out, good enemy and weapon variety, great length with tons of different locales to visit, and it still preserves a feeling of tension in some setpieces. Resident Evil’s always managed to be an odd mix of horror and campy humor that reminds me more of Army of Darkness than Jacob’s Ladder. The Resident Evil 5 game has just celebrated its 10 th anniversary. This isn’t due to the game being brilliantly designed around it, but due to the partner AI being awful in single player. I guess that is because for me everything 5 does, 4 does better. I don’t really consider RE4 a pure action game since there was still atmosphere and good enemy designs (until the island). The camera is over the shoulder and you have to stand still to shoot enemies. The work done with this remastered version of Resident Evil 5 is just a little more than enough. The story is stupid and campy, and I can’t help by laugh every time Wesker is on screen. Sweet $20 price tag for a physical copy of the game. After the series began to dip with Resident Evil 5 and 6, … On another note, isn’t the Mercenaries mode what Dino Crisis 2 was? As far as I see it, 4 has the best campaign, 5 best co-op, and 6 best mercenaries. Honestly, the stupid plot is a big plus for me. Not sure if you touched on it in the review, but is there local co-op without the super tiny screens of the original releases? He/She survived! I noticed in my Resident Evil 3 Remake review for Xbox One, the game feels the same in many environments after you progress further outside the streets of Raccoon City. ***A PS4 code was provided by the publisher***. Though the game does have one significant flaw, it’s not scary…like at all. That’s not to say that horror was completely dead, I mean Siren Blood Curse for the PlayStation 3 was pretty cool, but by and large Horror was dead. When it comes to remakes, there’s usually some aspect that leaves me still feeling a bit nostalgic for the original. Please lewd pics of the Niche Gamer mascot. What I like about the story is that it touches in a matter no one cares about that is pharmaceutical companies that explores Africa in their tests. Resident Evil 5 was released at a time when the horror genre was practically on its deathbed. Resident Evil 3 remake review Metacritic First of all, the longevity: there are only 5 hours that make up the adventure. Geology graduate here: That rock would be igneous and full of holes, therefore significantly lighter than a normal boulder, and theoretically Chris would actually be able to punch a few holes in it, which would make it easier to push because he’d have a better grip on it. Question, does the game allow split screen Coop? Resident Evil HD Remastered Review First Released Mar 30, 1996. released. Upon arriving they are attacked by a pack of blood-thirsty dogs and are forced to take cover in a nearby mansion. As I’ve already said several times in this review, Resident Evil 5 is definitely worth picking up if you want a dumb action game. member and current steroid user Chris Redfield, who’s on assignment with the BSAA (Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance) to capture an international weapons dealer before he can sell a bio-organic weapon on the black market. I’m excited to play Lost in Nightmares again. 5 for me was just miserable. Like the port of Resident Evil 6 earlier this year, Capcom has basically ported over the PC version of RE 5 to consoles. He's currently enrolled in university and working on becoming an English teacher. You can find additional information about Niche Gamer’s review/ethics policy here. Συνοψίζοντας : Το «remaster» Resident Evil 5 δεν έχει πραγματικά κανένα λόγο ύπαρξης. This sucks for a remaster where many gamers are coming back to the game for a second playthrough. While the adventure is definitely better with a buddy, the experience wasn’t a fun one. Εκτός από την ανάλυση στα 1080p δεν έχει γίνει καμιά άλλη … Not Gears of War or P.T. TBH, since they already had an FPS game, shouldn’t they have called RE7 RE Survivor 2 or something? Perhaps a second play through is more frustrating. 25. Agree Resident Evil 5 isn’t necessarily all that bad. It’s great fun Co-op, and much better than RE6. Now Resident Evil 5 has been released again, and sadly, it’s a lot more like the latter in that regard. amzn_assoc_emphasize_categories = "165793011,468642"; Copyright © 2021 COG Connected - All rights reserved, The Detail Review – The Devil is in the Details. Capcom's Resident Evil Remastered series kicked off nicely with RE6 handing in solid 1080p60 gameplay, albeit with little in the way of visual enhancements. it was more like the AI was “tacked on” as they clearly expected you to play the game in co-op. Resident Evil 5 is an action game that takes place in Africa. Both story DLC chapters are locked from the beginning and only available once the player progresses through the story. This choice makes the game look pretty bland, and even while running at 1080p, it’s hard to say that I’m here for the visuals. Resident Evil 5…. Graphically, the game runs at 60FPS and is also 1080p, however I’ll be honest and say that I couldn’t really notice. The bigger issue is that all of them should be on fire due to convection. This: Holy crap did Sheva just annoy me. But yeah. And it’s shift to action wasn’t a good one since there were plenty of action games out there that had better controls (imo being able to move while shoot is a MUST in action games). “I think the only real flaw I ran into with this playthrough of Resident Evil 5 is that I felt Sheva’s AI got dumber.” – how is that even possible? Despite Resident Evil 4 having somewhat of a grain filter and a bleak style to its colors, Resident Evil 5 made the “make every very bright brown and grey” direction. 4.7 out of 5 stars 1,219. No, because Resident Evil 2 was already an excellent game at its core. One of the big draws to Resident Evil 4 and Resident Evil 5 is the fact that the player cannot directly purchase ammo and instead must rely on finding it as they go along. It still plays like Capcom was trying to figure out how to make a third-person shooter, and it feels dated from the very beginning. ALONE. It seems that they are releasing them with a low $20 price tag, which I think is a great thing. I honestly think this is awesome, and that doesn’t seem to be the end of it either as more HD remasters are being released for the PS4. Resident Evil 5 was, arguably, the last good game in the series, and it was exciting to bring a friend along for the ride, even if it did cut down drastically on the spooks. This is the second installment of new content for RESIDENT EVIL 5. This game is good fun. It’s like they took RE4, tacked on coop, took out everything that made RE4 awesome, and said WELP, HERE’S RE5. It’s as if Capcom didn’t watch the genre continue to evolve after the release of Resident Evil 4 in 2005 and instead rested on their laurels. Resident Evil 6 HD Remaster Review – Not Worth The Replay Value. Resident Evil Zero HD Remaster Review. If Resident Evil didn’t have the stupid Wesker cloning program you found out in Veronica or whatever, the ending would actually be really nice and it would be a fitting way to end Chris & Co’s storylines. amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "cogc-20"; It is fun to have your ammo limited and be forced to make sure every bullet counts. It follows the story of former S.T.A.R.S. I know there was a RE Survivor 2 which was an arcade version of Code Veronica, but I never considered that to be a sequel to the first one since the first was it’s own thing. The same director was in charge of E.X. Thanks for the honest review. Fast-forward to now, and Capcom has reissued RE5, up-scaled to 1080p and complete with all the DLC and extras that were parsed out over time in '09. Resident Evil 5 remastered was reviewed on the PlayStation 4 using a retail copy purchased by Niche Gamer. It’s truly a must-play title. It was the first game in the series that just didn't feel like Resident Evil to me. Capcom launches a remastered version of Resident Evil 5 on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, … However, that Lost in Nightmares DLC on Professional mode was the most intense and terrifying experience for me in the entire franchise. Sheva’s AI when playing singleplayer seems to be dumber than ever before, she just loves to stand in front of you when you’re shooting or run behind you and shoot you in the back. There’s little variety and by the third of the game’s six chapters I felt like I had seen everything it had to offer. This doesn’t do damage but it does waste a heck of a lot of bullets.
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