gender mainstreaming pdf
The report on institutional mechanisms for gender equality 2 0 obj �mA4�%��a�¿t�#�H(܈���2, Description: IOM has been moving towards a comprehensive approach to address gender issues, both among the staff and in its programmes and activities. The Council of Europe was instrumental in developing the concept of gender mainstreaming from the 1990’s onwards. Thus gender mainstreaming would result in adding this potential for transformation to the established gender equality policies of formal equality and positive action. <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 720 540] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> It is the re-invention, restructuring, and re-branding of a key part of feminism in the contemporary era. It places the strategy of mainstreaming in the context of achievements in terms of gender equality. �@aM?E^Q���!B�\w h�b����a�e?#Ȗ"��@_��c� ��6Zx������i3�kH�B�c��u�v\^�L^��J�����+E�eu����BR �FR�̑�=@�V�b�K�qtyS��萢7c�Te�d�L�r���P�O!E;�����I�C�&�P{��t�c�n���o ��n���g��w���w�/P��K{V�=.���CAN���!vX����y����Sq�$�����Op9����-�����*I�*�L�E"�4�H-�ʀaM�i�Xa�v��%Eݮ���(|�e��ӕj� %PDF-1.5 Gender Mainstreaming is a globally accepted strategy for promoting gender equality. %���� Gender Mainstreaming und Schaffung von Chancengleich-heit gehören zu den Kernaufgaben, die wir uns in der Plan) Programme A Programme B Budget support Project 1 Project 2 Tendered Dieses Handbuch greift Erfahrungen auf, um aufzuzeigen, welche Möglichkeiten sich in der praktischen … Das Wissen dazu lässt sich aufbauen. Gender issues are not confined to one sector but must be addressed as part of an integrated stream Weiterbildung bieten Veranstaltungen der Wien Akademie, z. ... Anlagen/niedersachsen-informationen-impulse,property=pdf,bereich=gm,rwb=true.pdf 13 Ebd. Gender Mainstreaming ist eine Strategie, die das Ziel der Gleichstellung von Frauen und Männern durch die durchgängige Verankerung der Gleichstellungsperspektive in allen Politikfeldern und Handlungsbereichen verfolgt. Mainstreaming a gender perspective: Is the process of assessing the implications for women and men of any planned action, including legislation, policies or programmes in all areas at all levels. <> Gender mainstreaming entails bringing the perceptions, experience, knowl- edge and interests of women as well as men to bear on policy-making, plan- ning and decision-making. The result of gender mainstreaming is that the different behaviour, aspirations and needs of women and men are considered, valued and favoured equally in all political, economic and societal spheres. $�$�)����ްw�N�F��L����G��p �RJPJz�d�H��>�a�����Բ��� �C�YJ��v߿���j�؞'��T�JiT�O}J���zg��mB�)L�P;���"��)p)��?e� 3 0 obj B. das E-Learning „Genderfit mit den 5 Gender Mainstreaming-Grundsätzen“. 7 2. Der internationale Begriff Gender Mainstreaming lässt sich am besten mit Leitbild der Geschlechtergerechtigkeit übersetzen. The project cycle, gender mainstreaming and HRBA 9 2.1 Project identification 9 2.2 Project formulation, appraisal and approval 13 2.3 Implementation 19 2.4 Monitoring and evaluation, impact assessment and closure 20 References23 Recommended resources 24 Annex 1 Summary of gender mainstreaming and HRBA in the project cycle 25 Gender equality and diversity Equality between men and women is at the core of values of the European Union (EU) and enshrined in its 8 die hochschule 2/2003 mit den Oberbegriffen Gender Mainstreaming, Managing Diversity & To- tal E-Quality an und setzt sich fort, sobald es um das Grundwissen geht, das die Gleichstellungsexpertin heute braucht: Da gibt es Kurse, die ein-führen in die Grundlagen des Gender Change Management; im Angebot sind Gender Trainings, die die Gender Sensibilität schulen und so zur POLICY, PROGRAMMES, PROJECTS POLICY (Nat. The first part of the report contains the conceptual framework of gender mainstreaming. Gender Mainstreaming hilft, Unterschiede zu erkennen, anzuerkennen und umzusetzen. 1 0 obj Gender Mainstreaming verstehen EQUAL-Leitfaden zu Gender Mainstreaming • Modul Nr.2 Die Gleichstellung von Frauen und Männern in allen gesell- endobj What to do Gender-Mainstreaming ist ein strategischer Ansatz von Geschlechterpolitik.Im Gegensatz zu den historischen, impliziten Strategien wird Geschlechterpolitik mit diesem Ansatz offengelegt und damit explizit gemacht. Gender Mainstreaming bezeichnet die Verpflichtung, bei allen Entscheidungen die unterschiedlichen Auswirkungen auf Männer und Frauen in den Blick zu nehmen. 4 0 obj Gender Policy and related programming provisions, including readiness support. The initial step is to have a basic understanding of what gender mainstreaming is “It is ensuring that strategies and actions for ending Gender mainstreaming is a contested concept and practice. Interessierte Dienststellen können auch die MD-OS, Dezernat Gender Mainstreaming, die Stadt Wien Finanzwesen, Referat Gender Budgeting It describes the origins of gender mainstreaming and its relation to specific gender … Damit für alle eine offene und wertschätzende Kultur entsteht: für Frauen und Män-ner, Jugendliche und Senioren, Einheimische wie Zugereiste. 2. =� ��B. Gender mainstreaming involves at least two different frames of reference: "gender equality" and the "mainstream." 153 0 obj << /Linearized 1 /O 156 /H [ 1210 912 ] /L 812641 /E 554955 /N 37 /T 809462 >> endobj xref 153 30 0000000016 00000 n 0000000951 00000 n 0000001059 00000 n 0000002122 00000 n 0000002280 00000 n 0000002564 00000 n 0000002605 00000 n 0000003371 00000 n 0000003470 00000 n 0000003720 00000 n 0000004944 00000 n 0000005016 00000 n 0000005267 00000 n 0000006492 00000 n 0000007508 00000 n 0000007714 00000 n 0000012895 00000 n 0000034591 00000 n 0000056832 00000 n 0000057297 00000 n 0000058311 00000 n 0000553129 00000 n 0000553267 00000 n 0000553407 00000 n 0000554321 00000 n 0000554468 00000 n 0000554565 00000 n 0000554678 00000 n 0000001210 00000 n 0000002100 00000 n trailer << /Size 183 /Info 151 0 R /Root 154 0 R /Prev 809451 /ID[<8f50e7fa5afa3da10b3e35aba025483a>] >> startxref 0 %%EOF 154 0 obj << /Type /Catalog /Pages 137 0 R /JT 150 0 R /AcroForm 155 0 R /Metadata 135 0 R >> endobj 155 0 obj << /Fields [ ] /DR << /Font << /ZaDb 132 0 R /Helv 133 0 R >> /Encoding << /PDFDocEncoding 134 0 R >> >> /DA (/Helv 0 Tf 0 g ) >> endobj 181 0 obj << /S 903 /V 1045 /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 182 0 R >> stream Gender mainstreaming Gender mainstreaming as a strategy emerged from the evolving experience gained from the Women and Development and Gender and Development approaches during the 1980s. gender equality is itself a core value of the United Nations Charter and one of the internationally agreed-upon Millennium Development Goals. Gender mainstreaming has been advocated as a way towards bridging gender gaps and for achieving sustainable development by many national and multinational organizations and as such, it is important to evaluate whether it achieves these goals. %PDF-1.4 %���� Gender mainstreaming requires that efforts are made to broaden women’s equitable participation at all levels of decision-making. Thus gender mainstreaming is inevitably and essentially a contested process. Gender Mainstreaming Strategy 4 Not every project will require gender mainstreaming or a Gender Action Plan, due to the nature of the outputs, or, in some instances, a partner may decide not to include gender mainstreaming within a particular engagement. ~ gender mainstreaming still in its infancy here. Leitbildern 55 5.1 Eröffnung, Programmierung und Zielformulierung 56 5.2 Vorbereiten und Ausschreiben des städtebaulichen Wettbewerbs 57 Mainstreaming involves ensuring that gender perspectives and attention to the goal of gender … yk�7���yPL��u��2�R�{ ��sª0J�M����Sar���V�!����ݷpbn@>��K���v��0p��f�����T��1*=��M�����\�o$�jN��P ������V��z^���7��P�:�'�05 -^o�����c_������-�X��3V}cP�7�1��;���!m�S^`��wGT�Z��\�����گ�>�lvPZ�^R�ʘO}\�fqRQBU���V*z�G�q�V���H�w�0M�q�`+�:+z���E%mHa�V*)��+�+��ƽ�-��(�g5N'��=;j��e]W��s�Q��R� l�J�. 18 However, both tinkering and tailoring process have been actively processed in case of India but the third strategy transforming i.e. Gender Mainstreaming ist eine im Vertrag von Amsterdam verankerte Verpflichtung und findet Niederschlag in allen Politiken der Europäischen Union, in deren Verordnungen und Leitlinien. Gender Mainstreaming wird vielfach als voraussetzungsvolles Konzept bezeichnet. Gender mainstreaming ensures that policy-making and legislative work is of higher quality and has a greater relevance for society, because it makes policies respond more effectively to the needs of all citizens – women and men, girls and boys. <>>> Dev. Gender mainstreaming is an approach to policy-making that takes into account both women's and men's interests and concerns, aimed at designing better policies. 4 Gender Mainstreaming als durchgängige Strategie in der Planung 51 5 Gender Mainstreaming in Masterplänen, städtebaulichen Konzepten und . endobj Gender Mainstreaming gibt, umgehen viele öffentliche Einrichtungen dieses Problem, in dem sie „Gender“ und „Mainstreaming“ getrennt voneinander definieren und die Ziele der Strategie beschreiben. Gender mainstreaming: A strategy to achieve equality between women and men Guidelines and resources proposed by the European Women’s Lobby Gender mainstreaming has been embraced internationally as a strategy towards realising gender equality. It refers to the integration of a gender perspective into every stage of each intervention: preparation, design, In Österreich wurde im Ministerrat die Umsetzung des Gender Mainstreaming auf allen Ebenen beschlossen und kommt im Zuge der Die Geschichte von Gender Mainstreaming Die Wurzeln von Gender Mainstreaming liegen in der internationalen Entwicklungspolitik. Je nach Kontext, in dem der GenderAnsatz integriert werden soll, müssen unterschiedli che Systeme berücksichtigt, Hindernisse wahrgenommen und Strategien zu deren Überwindung entwickelt werden. Roles of men and women are interdependent and complimentary, therefore one cannot be changed without also affecting the other; 2. Thus in February 1995 it formed a Working Group on Gender Issues, drawing on staff from Headquarters and field missions, to examine a range of gender-related concerns. Gender Mainstreaming betrifft alle. Gender Mainstreaming stellt einen Paradigmenwechsel in der Gleichstellungspolitik dar, weil die Frage der Geschlechter-gerechtigkeit zu einem zentralen Führungs- und Lenkungsinstrument wird, und zwar in Bezug auf Frauen und Männer. Gender Mainstreaming will Platz und Raum für Neues, bisher noch nicht Gedach-tes und Gebautes schaffen, um Veränderungen bewusst voranzutreiben. EIT Gender mainstreaming Policy A gender responsive portfolio of activities and balanced gender representation in decision making 1. H���mHSQǟ��EM�*˜iS���t�_L����˜B×V!WKI����t�^�W�� 1 GENDER ECONOMIC EQUITY Gender Mainstreaming: A Strategic Approach Margo Thomas, Chatham House Cesar Cordova Novion, Jacobs, Cordova and Associates Arjan de Haan, IDRC Gimena de León, CIPPEC Maxime Forest, Sciences Po Sandhya S. Iyer, Centre for Public Policy, Habitat and Human Development and Tata Institute of Social Sciences gender_mainstreaming_iom.pdf. It covers a number of gender mainstreaming tools and methodological approaches, which can be employed in designing projects, including gender analysis, gender assessment and action plans, and gender-responsive results or logical frameworks. It was recognised that a shift in approach to gender is required in policy levels and within development organizations themselves. �1�bK�RUb��,mN��r�J�5�(�G)�' sC���@/�t�8*��UJh>7�`�e�u�ZI�2m.&�9�,���%�I���q�HPI���e��QB�JSe�sa�e��? As part of Indicator 3 on Gender Mainstreaming, introduced by the Finnish Presidency of the Council of the European Union in 2006, it defines (2) the aspects to measure as the progress of Member States in the area of institutional mechanisms and gender mainstreaming. <> It is both a new form of gendered political and policy practice and it is a new gendered strategy for theory development. For over a decade, gender mainstreaming has been part of UNDP’s official corporate policy, and the Environment and Energy Group is committed to strengthening gender mainstreaming in all of its pro-grammes. endobj ��y "e@������$���P� #��^ 2. Part I: What is gender mainstreaming? gender mainstreaming. Gender mainstreaming recognizes the following key points: 1. x���Ko9���tZh�F��EQ�q� ����z(��z���������F3�8�0 Gender Mainstreaming Manual – A book of practical methods 9 STEP 1: FUNDAMENTAL UNDERSTANDING Before gender mainstreaming work begins, the entire organisation, from manage-ment on down, must be given training in gender equality and gender, and in what Swedish gender equality policy and the gender mainstreaming strategy involve. gender-related changes in the society, politics, economic participation etc. Gender mainstreaming in projects is about using participatory approached in all project stages. Mainstreaming is not an end in itself but a strategy, an approach, a means to achieve the goal of gender equality. %~C?���D��D��,ֹ+�����y�s�s����y �0
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