good fit meaning
être une bonne idée. Of the seven bicycles we had, only two were fit for the road. designed especially for quick and agile players. Indicates a good fit for various types of business users, but due to price barriers, not yet a good fit for consumers. The RUDmatic Soft Spike weighs only a quarter as much as a snow, Dank des geringen Gewichts - die RUDmatic Soft Spike wiegt nur ein, Viertel einer Schneekette -, der gleichmäßigen, With regard to AUGUSTA's acquisition plans, this means that -. "The great freedom of movement of, of the knees and elbows together with the. Even if you seem ideal on paper, during an interview the employer will likely assess whether you're a "good fit" for the company. agreeable, amiable, benevolent, friendly, good-hearted, helpful, kind, kindly, tolerant, warm-hearted, well-disposed, willing to please. der manuellen Dateneingabe, um das Fehlerpotenzial zu reduzieren. Thread starter Whoause; Start date Mar 26, 2018 < Previous | Next > W. Whoause New Member. It's a good fit for me. entirely in black, the designers focus on simplicity and a clear line, only accentuated by black material-inserts, which give the basketballshoe a dynamic look. I nd ica um a boa opção p ara vári os tipos de usuários profissionais, mas, devido a restrições de preço, a in da nã o é um a boa opção pa ra o mer ca do consumidor. (Expression) A good match. you should cut away the plastic bars in the middle as well as the holder for the temperature transmitter. Nutzen Sie die weltweit besten KI-basierten Übersetzer für Ihre Texte, entwickelt von den Machern von Linguee. Die gute Passform des Rocks überzeugte sie. good fit. Not surprisingly, there is considerable debate as to what is means by "reasonably consistent with the data." You can also talk about it the other way: a job can be a "great fit" for a person: I think this job would be a great fit for you. schwächere Windstandorte, die derzeit in Deutschland, Frankreich. designt in einem zeitlosen look in chocolate und glattleder ist der freizeitsneaker ein absolut trendiger begleiter, egal ob in der schule, in der arbeit oder in der freizeit. für einen schnellen ersten schritt brauchst. Please help me sort out some expressions in the correct usage. Falsche Übersetzung oder schlechte Qualität der Übersetzung. Muchos ejemplos de oraciones traducidas contienen “good fit” – Diccionario español-inglés y buscador de traducciones en español. the converse logo and the typical toe cap evoke the look of the legendary chuck, but the sneaker is more robust. das obermaterial aus leder, der verstärkte schaft und perforierte gummisohle. von V PAY fand zeitgleich mit der Restrukturierung des Unternehmens und der Eingliederung der Capitalia Group in die UniCredit Group statt). I think we'd be a good fit for your winery. As one of the definition of fit goes like this-:To be appropriate to; suit: music that fits your mood.But you could also use "apt" or "to the purpose" which sounds more formal.It should not be "are" a good fit,it should be "is" a good fit. Laut Weltmeister Posanz war die von Lion zur Verfügung gestellte, innovative Ausrüstung ein maßgeblicher Erfolgsfaktor: "Die große. English Collins Dictionary - English synonyms & … Goodness-of-fit tests are often used in business decision making. Roger is a good fit for this team. What is the goodness of fit? He could be a good fit for you. Goodness-Of-Fit: Used in statistics and statistical modelling to compare an anticipated frequency to an actual frequency. Et toutes les autres écoles qu'on a essayé n'ont pas l'air de convenir à Chris. That's not a diss or an insult to you. die, gerippte sohle aus robusten gummi gibt dir. für den 3-Stellungskampf sowie für reine Sitzendschützen geeignet. all in all the satellite low by and1 is perfectly equipped for every challenge on the court! for those who love a clean design without forsaking functionality, the AND1 SATELLITE LOW is absolutely the right choice. Straps are typically used to tighten the support elements for a good fit. In light of the substantial fluctuations of the spread this, Angesichts der beträchtlichen Schwankungen des, These new lines meet the consumer's important needs such as, recognizable style and fashionable garments, attractive models in terms of, Diese neuen Linien entsprechen wesentlichen Anforderungen seitens der Verbraucher, wie, hochwertiger, aktueller Stil, attraktiv gestylte Modelle in, For maximum performance for onsight and red. This brief episode demonstrates how important. convenir. This refers to an idiomatic word or phrase for which there is no word-for-word translation. High compatibility. So judging from the answers that you give in the job interview or – even what you post on social media, employers can get a pretty good … So first, let’s start with a definition from Harvard Business Review: Cultural fit is the likelihood that someone will reflect and/or be able to adapt to the core beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors that make up your organization. Kein gutes Beispiel für die Übersetzung oben. But if you are estimating the mean sea level pressure of the same region expecting to get the RMSE of 1 is something like a kid asking for the moon. most difficult climbing are reduced to the absolute necessities; thin webbing on non-weight bearing places reduces the weight to a scarcely believable minimum - this harness fits like a second skin. (clothing) a. . Des bandes sont typiquement utilisées pour serrer les éléments de support pour un bon ajustement. good-natured. When employers tell you that you are not a good fit for the job, it has nothing to do with your qualifications and skills or how good you are for the job. Roger encaja bien con este equipo. to be the right size or shape for someone or something: That jacket fits you perfectly. companies by product, customer and region shows that ThyssenKrupp and Gildemeister's metal, Produkten, Kunden und Regionen zeigt, dass sich die Zerspanungsbereiche von, Moreover, Broadnet's focus on its core competencies of sales & marketing and engineering, Zudem passt die Konzentration von Broadnet auf die Kernkompetenzen, The prosthesis socket connects the residual limb to the prosthesis, and fulfils an important function: It provides optimum support for your, Der Prothesenschaft ist die Verbindung zwischen dem Stumpf und der Prothese und, erfüllt eine wichtige Funktion: Er sorgt bei Ihrem Patienten für einen. If someone is fit to do something, they have the appropriate qualities or skills that will allow them to do it. Es inteligente, capaz y trabajador. In … Eventually he was happy that the sills and doors were a reasonably good fit. It’s quite another to actually know what culture fit means. 1: good enough : suitable for fit to eat 2 : physically healthy He jogs to keep fit. der STAR PLAYER EV MID ist eines der edleren modelle im CONVERSE regal. the sneaker combines the best wearing comfort with a tasteful leather shoe. The digitized data of the teeth impression and of the bite traces were compared with each other and the, Die digitalisierten Daten der Gebissabdrücke und der Bissspuren wurden verglichen und die maßstabgenaue 3D-Analyse, These people, too, work in an entrepreneurial corporate culture that is characterized by fast decision-making, and flat hierarchies; their workstyle, dedication to performance and high skill levels, Diese arbeiten ebenfalls in einer unternehmerisch geprägten Firmenkultur mit, schnellen Entscheidungswegen und passen mit ihrer Arbeitsweise, Erfolgsorientierung und, According to world champion Posanz, the innovative equipment supplied by Lion was a decisive factor in their, success. Another way to say Good Fit? perfekt gewappnet für jede herausforderung auf dem feld mit dem satellite low von and1! Now, to judge whether your SMSE of a few hundred is good or just a value of 1 is good is judged based upon the data mean. das converse logo und die typische zehenkappe erinnern an den look der legendären chucks, der sneaker ist jedoch wesentlich robuster konzipiert. komplett in schwarz gehalten setzen die designer auf einfachheit und eine klare linie, die ausschließlich durch schwarze materialufsätze akzentuiert werden und dem basketballschuh einen dynamischen look verleihen. ein sportschuh der speziell für eine schnelle und agile spielweise konzipiert wurde. Tu as certainement fait le bon choix. der sneaker vereint ein besonders angenehmes tragegefühl mit einem gediegenen lederschuh. sollte als die Stärke des Herzstückes und dass die Schäkelbolzen nicht zuviel Lose in den Bohrungen des Herzstückes haben. 11. adjective. particularly suitable for three-pos-ition. design with a unique style and durability - the star player ev mid by converse! The Definition of Culture Fit. Proper usage in context. Lessons from DigiZeitschriften were seen as: partnerships among those with common goals can help to lower costs; subscriptions are a worthwhile option when the content is highly valuable to customers with the ability to pay for it; a good fit with a host institution can be a key aspect to sustainability; an active feedback loop with users helps a site stay current with evolving user expectations for online academic … Very useful if you want to appear indifferent to the strong emotions and upset of the person on the receiving end of the negative information. English Collins Dictionary - English Definition & Thesaurus. être un bon ajustement. Certainly it is a good fit for you. Despite having terrific credentials, if it doesn’t appear that you’ll fit in with management, the other employees, or with the company culture, the job may not be right for you, and you may not get a job offer. Best fit? thanks to the perforated uppermaterial and specific mesh-inserts the sneaker is very breathable and comfortable to wear at the same time. 3 : made ready The sailors were getting the ship fit for sea. De très nombreux exemples de phrases traduites contenant "a good fit" – Dictionnaire français-anglais et moteur de recherche de traductions françaises. für alle, die ein klares design lieben und nicht auf funktionalität verzichten möchten ist der AND1 SATELLITE LOW genau die richtige wahl. Noun. I just thought maybe he wasn't a good fit there. Measures of goodness of fit typically summarize the discrepancy between observed values and the values expected under the model in question. I don't think there is anything wrong with "good fit" here. Maulweite des Schäkels nicht wesentlich größer sein. Need synonyms for good fit? But it’s one thing to talk about hiring for culture fit. 3. good heat dissipation properties certainly contributed towards our success. Your high school transcripts might include some volunteer or service work, and your essay may even speak to its importance in shaping who you are. conviendrait bien. designed in a timeless look in chocolate and smooth leather, the leisure shoe is absolutely a trendy companion, whether at school, in work or in leisure time. Unfortunately, we don't feel that you'd be a good fit at this time. The dress fits like a glove (= very well). It is applied to measure “how well the actual (observed) data points fit into a Machine Learning model”. Such measures can be used in statistical hypothesis testing, e.g. "It's not a good fit" could really mean that they don't think you'll be happy in the organization or mesh with their working pace or style. View all. Autres traductions. In this case, an RMSE of a few hundred is good enough. Diese Kombination verbindet in der Funktion eine Balance zwischen. If you describe someone as fit, you mean that they are good-looking. Tomemos esta prueba para ver si nos llevamos bien. reduziert das Gewicht auf ein kaum mehr wahrnehmbares Minimum - der Gurt passt wie eine zweite Haut. It is simply used to explain how employers perceive you and what they think about your personality and cultural fit. And every other school we've tried just doesn't seem to be a good fit for Chris. A goodness-of-fit is a statistical technique. Verwenden Sie den DeepL Übersetzer, um Texte und Dokumente sofort zu übersetzen, the STAR PLAYER EV is one of the nobler models in the CONVERSE collection. the upper material in leather, the reinforced shaft and the perforated rubber sole. Synonyms for Good Fit (other words and phrases for Good Fit). “You weren’t the best fit for the position.” Disappointed job seekers who ask employers why they weren’t hired often hear those words. A smaller ratio score signifies good fit, and values near 2.0 are considered acceptable. I was a middle school teacher for a few years, but it wasn't really a good fit for me. B's lines can be translated all the same in my … [...] un cons ultor es … A good-fitting model is one that is reasonably consistent with the data and so does not necessarily require respecification. In a tougher economic environment, marked by a slowdown in demand in certain market segments and certain countries, VINCI thus, In einem schwieriger gewordenen Konjunkturumfeld, geprägt von einer schwächeren Nachfrage in gewissen Marktsegmenten. High compatibility. der low-cut schaft meistert den spagat aus optimaler stabilität ohne dabei deine bewegungsfreiheit unnötig einzuschränken. Usage: I think that work is a good fit for me. The goodness of fit of a statistical model describes how well it fits a set of observations. Good Fighted; Good Find; good fish; good fit; goodfollows; goodfood; good foot; good for; Good for A but bad for B; Good for business; good for gobs; Good for it; good form; good for moral it lowers it; good-for-nothing; Good For Nothing Homeless Dudes; good for nothin trickster; Good For Skin [...] context. Fit refers to the ability of a model to reproduce the data (i.e., usually the variance-covariance matrix). He's smart, capable, and hard-working. Durch den freundlichen Charakter des Angebots, die kompatiblen Unternehmenskulturen und die Komplementarität der Leistungen dürfte dieses Ziel im Geiste der Ausgewogenheit und Optimierung des beiderseitigen Know-hows konkretisiert werden können. 133 synonyms of fit from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 299 related words, definitions, and antonyms. Anyway, I hope we each find a good fit somewhere. als Übersetzung von "good fit" vorschlagen. perforiertes obermaterial und spezielle mesh-einsäze machen den niedrig geschnittenen sneaker atmungsaktiv und gleichzeitig sehr bequem zu tragen. a sport shoe, which is. Then if your RMSE is around 1, your estimations are good. comfort is what sets these trousers apart. The requirements were high; the new system required SAP, Die Anforderungen waren hoch: das neue System verlangte Anbindungsmöglichkeiten an SAP, Reporting-Möglichkeiten von. When something is convenient or good to someone. In case higher tensile material is used, then of course the thickness can be reduced, however, in such a case the drill holes have to be reinforced to, Die Stärke der Platte hängt ab von der Maulweite der Schäkel, wobei bei Verwendung von höherfestem Material die Plattenstärke geringer als die Maulweite des Schäkels ausfallen, kann, dann sind aber die Bohrungen so zu verstärken, dass insgesamt wieder knapp die, Spend some time with a Parallels recruitment manager to determine if becoming a, Sprechen Sie mit einem Recruitment Manager von Parallels und finden Sie heraus, ob eine, Lessons from DigiZeitschriften were seen as: partnerships among those with common goals can help to lower costs; subscriptions are a worthwhile option when the content is highly valuable to customers with the ability to pay for i. Folgende Erfahrungswerte lassen sich aus DigiZeitschriften ableiten: Kooperationen von Partnern mit gemeinsamen Zielen können zur Kostenreduzierung beitragen; Abonnements sind eine lohnenswerte Option, wenn die Inhalte von hohem Wert sind für Kunden, die in der Lage sind, dafür zu bezahlen; eine passende Trägerinstitution kann ein entscheidender Faktor für die Nachhaltigkeit sein; eine aktive Feedbackschleife mit den Nutzern hilft dabei, dass ein Internetangebot mit den sich entwickelnden Benutzererwartungen an akademische Online-Ressourcen mithalten kann; kontinuierliches Wachstum und Innovation erfordern engagierte Führung und Mitarbeiter. Passive agressive understatement used when rejecting a job candidate, firing a worker or breaking up with a spouse, girlfriend or boyfriend. Korean Mar 26, 2018 #1 Some different English expressions come across as the same in my language when translated. Good fight; good fight, good night; Good Fight, Sir. While these language label files have the appropriate translations, they may not be a good fit in standard player templates, especially for those languages that use non-Latin (and especially right-to-left) characters. You're not fit to be a mother! As a new product, with a distinct identity, also coincided with the company's restructuring involving the integration of the Capitalia Group into the UniCredit Group). Ideal fit. his/her personality and working style will be a good fit, bot h for the organization and the cultural. will still create value due to the expected synergy effects. of a shackle should not be much wider than. The position of president is a good fit for Jeff. What exactly does fit mean in employment? events and for shooting from the sitting position only. The fact that the offer is friendly, and that the two companies fo. If something is fit for a particular purpose, it is suitable for that purpose. zusammenführung von einem edlen design mit einem einzigartigen style und langlebigkeit - der star player ev mid von converse! In addition to growth from within, the Company's strategic objectives also include further, Zu den strategischen Zielen des Unternehmens zählt neben organischem Wachstum auch weiteres Wachstum durch die. A lifestyle that takes advantage of the health benefits of wine is proving to be a particularly, It all seems to be well put together too, with solid construction and, Initially I was surprised, but after punk rock really infiltrated skating it seemed like a, It is also a way to gain knowledge of what is a, As I compare my evolutionary account of Original Sin with the catechism's exposition, I see a fairly, As an account executive for JD Edwards, it is in my best interest to provide a real expectation level of the scope of a project, and determine if the client is a, We want to know what you know about Hobart and why it would be a, Free safety is open, but Scott is not a ballhawk and not a, At the time of the sale, Baker Tilly managing director Laurence Longe indicated the division was not a, The root mean square errors of the fitted model, and the plot of predicted-versus-observed bacterial loads, were measures that indicated the predictive model was a, Chalk transferring to cover the complete surface indicates a, Mel needs to hit the ground running but he seems a, With an extensive accounting background, Ohm will be a, In a present day climate where in any foundries are looking for as much work as possible, Benton has the luxury to look for customers that they feel will be a. Find another word for fit. the low-cut shaft combines optimal stability with high mobility in, a fast first step. être un bon moyen. That's what makes some ESL students confused. It summarizes the divergence between actual observed data points and expected data points in context to a statistical or Machine Learning model. n a principle used in insurance contracts, legally obliging all parties to reveal to the others any information that might influence the others' decision to enter into the contract, (Also called) uberrima fides. Our new sofa doesn't fit through the door. Italien und Polen und sicher auch in den USA gut ins Angebot passt. That question seems to be on more lips than ever as some seemingly well-qualified people don’t … Contexts. Sollte nicht mit orangener Vokabel zusammengefasst werden. Traduction de "be a good fit" en français. The greatest deviation from a good fit between the component figures occurs near the proximal end. 10. adjective. Synergieeffekte immer noch wertschaffend sind. It is also a way to gain knowledge of what is a good fit or match for your personality type. Certainly it is a good fit for you. [ British , informal ] About an hour later a really fit guy came up to me on the dance floor. sicherlich zu unserem Erfolg beigetragen. Finden Sie verlässliche Übersetzungen von Wörter und Phrasen in unseren umfassenden Wörterbüchern und durchsuchen Sie Milliarden von Online-Übersetzungen. sehen sein), müssen die mittlere Kunststoffrippe und der Halter des Temperaturgebers abgetrennt werden. To be a good fit at Pomona, you should also be committed to service and global change. Here's a list of similar words from our thesaurus that you can use instead. the thickness of the Flounder plate, further there should be not too much slack between the shackle bolts an the drill holes of the Flounder plate. Let's take this test to see if we are a good fit for each other. provide the very best stability and grip. Viele übersetzte Beispielsätze mit "fits good" – Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch und Suchmaschine für Millionen von Deutsch-Übersetzungen. Parte de trabajar con. moment and definitely also for the United States.
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