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what happened to 1d4chan

When the Emperor and a force of battle-scarred yet civilized warriors came to Chemos, Fulgrim knelt and offered his sword without a single word. As Gorfang prepares to sweep the dwarfs aside in a final apocalyptic assault, Belegar must swallow his pride and call for help from one dwarf who can break Rotgut's horde: High King Thorgrim Grudgebearer. He and the Thousand Sons were teleported to the Planet of Sorcerers, where more hijinks ensued with his.

After getting his revenge upon Rogal Dorn in the Iron Cage incident, Perturabo ascended to daemonhood, and currently rules over the fortress-planet Medrengard within the Eye of Terror. Previously kept in a stasis chamber after his throat was sliced by Fulgrim with a poisoned sword. The Hammer of Olympia, Lord of Iron, The Breaker, Warhawk of Chorgoris, The Great Khan, The Khagan, The Praetorian of Terra, The Vigilant, The Unyielding One, Extremely Loyal, rivalling The Lion and Dorn, Slave of Nuceria, Red Angel, Lord of the Red Sands, Lord of Ultramar, Avenging Son, The Victorious, The Master of Ultramar, The Blade of Unity, The Pale King, The Death Lord, The Prince of Decay (Post-Heresy), Bearer of the Word, Urizen (Colchisian for "wisest of the wise"), The Lord of Shadows, The Liberator, The Deliverer, The Raven-Lord, Chooser of the Slain, The Shadowed Lord, Head of the Hydra, Aleph Null, The Hydra, The Threefold Serpent, The Final Configuration, The Last Primarch, 3.DELETED FROM IMPERIAL RECORDS, DAMNATIO MEMORIAE IN PERPETUAM, 18.DELETED FROM IMPERIAL RECORDS, DAMNATIO MEMORIAE IN PERPETUAM. Using both His and Her DNA in their creation, the Primarchs were designed to be far superior to even Space Marines the Adeptus Custodes: they were taller, stronger, faster and more intelligent.

Nowadays, it doesn't even really let people do much with homebrew fluff since the setting has developed in such a way that it's almost impossible for someone to connect a homebrew chapter to the missing primarchs without getting laughed out of their Local Game Store. He is one of the greatest living heroes of the Chapter alongside Gabriel Angelos. He and his legion took some of the worst losses during Istvaan, and he himself was eventually captured by Konrad Curze.

Being such a perfectionist in all fields is what led him to brutally decimate his own legion upon gaining command, as they had not already proven themselves better than all the other legions in every way. Here you will find all the information you're seeking about this fantasy universe created by Games Workshop ( Legal Note ). This all came crashing down after Nostramo reverted back to its old ways when he was away; deciding that nothing would ever change, he chose to bombard his home planet into rubble. After being broken in personal combat with Leman Russ, Magnus called upon the dark god Tzeentch for succor, and he and his legion were drawn into the Warp.

We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. To them the clash of arms is the height of their religion, holy rites practi… In reality, he is indeed alive and hunting his fallen brothers, although the Warp has changed him into a living, shapeshifting shadow. The first volume was published in early 2012. During the Siege of Terra, the only thing that kept him from leveling the palace to the ground was Horus dying, thus causing the Sons of Horus to retreat, leaving the Iron Warriors outgunned and exposed.
The Loyalist Alpha Legion Space Marines look to the Space Wolves as their new brothers and role models, starting to share their taste for combat-strategies, colours of armor and alcoholic beverages. From there, the Primarch in question must have performed a few experiments in how to create more marines. Second, he is one-eyed. After Horus' defeat, Alpharius was cornered on Eskrador by Guilliman and the Ultramarines.

The Primarchs began as a continuation of the Emperor’s Thunder Warrior legions and were successors to the Angel. Malcador also claimed that the Primarchs were but a means to an end; designed to be "conqueror's tools and nothing more", built to dominate and compete with each other, eventually intended to challenge each other and eventually confront the Emperor himself, he further claimed that the Primarchs had no free will and that a civil war like the Horus Heresy had always been part of the Emperor's design, although he later admits that he had to lie to spare his servant sorrow on her deathbed, so it is probable that the Primarchs were simply beyond expected control (the lie that Malc was referring to likely related to him assuring her that when she died the Emperor would protect her soul, essentially perpetuating the idea that the Emperor was a "god", than claiming that the Emperor had promised him that this wouldn't happen).

The Xenocide would end by 930s.M30, meaning the 11th only participated in the war for a possible 32 to 42 years. He also has a suit of unpainted power armor worn by Malacador's Knight-Errant. He takes the resulting bitterness out on everyone else in the form of horrible diseases. A few (such as Leman Russ and Vulkan) only swore allegiance after being bested in a contest.

The Alfa Legion's Naval Command has dismissed all claims of this being the case. Omegon: even Tzeentch can't keep track. He rooted out every trace of heresy on the worlds he conquered, taught their populations to venerate the Emperor of Mankind, and constructed grand cathedrals in his glory.

: 47 As in other miniature wargames, players … The instability (both physical, genetic, and mental) of the thunder warriors led the Emperor to try and find more stable and powerful generals to lead his armies. 502 Bad Gateway Nginx commonly occurs when Nginx runs as a reverse proxy, and is unable to connect to backend services. Many Primarchs became a product of their homeworld, the Khan definitely did. The Alfa Legion frequently uses the manouver "Steel Rain", which involves multiple, simultaneous and devastating defensive deep strikes against their foes, as adopted from the Blood Ravens chapter. Quite frankly, with these two one can never be entirely sure. It also made him incredibly violent and quick to anger. ? Tying in with this hatred of Empire is his hatred of stagnation. Magnus then assaults Roboute Guilliman's Terran Crusade which is en route for Terra. After the discovery of Guilliman, the (then) 8 found Primarchs all met up. Dorn's personality is akin to a wall, he was a man you could take at face value; he would never lie or deceive you, and he would always speak his mind without a hint of falsehood, even if it ends up working against his favor. He is the 3rd Primarch found, after Horus and Russ.

Appeared during the Gathering Storm, where he trapped and captured Guilliman and his retinue in the warp. Whatever the result, the Emperor clearly did not like it. NOTE: This is not just a trope for everyone in a story dying.

The sheer tactical genius in such a massed fleet maneuver made Creed on cadia look to the sky and shed a single manly tear before going back to planning how to effectively fit an imperator titan in a spent bolter casing. Like all Space Marine Chapters, the Soul Drinkers are bound to serve the Imperium by ancient vows. In the end Chapter Master Alfakuba of the Alfa Legion, Chapter Master Jakorov of the Steel Lords and the Chapter Master of the Blood Ravens conceived a plan to purge the Alpha Legion from the sector once and for all.

Fulgrim believed that his legion should embody the perfection of not just warfare but Imperial culture, and formed a strong friendship with both Ferrus Manus and Horus during the Great Crusade. Guilliman never did anything without thinking what would happen at the end of the day and he always tried to plan a better outcome for whatever he did, whether its building an empire or subjugating an enemy civilization. Upon turning against the Imperium, Perturabo decided to destroy any defenses that Dorn built, and build defenses that Dorn could never overcome. Some variations of colour exist between the companies, and some degree of personal heraldry occur. Realizing he's been played like a damn fiddle by Tzeentch, Magnus' resolve was broken and initially accepted his destiny of being destroyed by the wolves in an attempt to spite Tzeentch, but eventually decided to attempt to rebel against his fate but ultimately failing after Leman Russ beat him up badly. But the site has been down for some time.

He manages to trap the whole Crusade in the Maelstrom and Kairos Fateweaver temporarily imprisons Guilliman. Two aspirants are recruited into the Grey Knights, and must hone their psychic talents if they are to join the hallowed and mysterious ranks of the Space Marine daemon hunters. A poor leader and general, however. I was hoping to read up on 9th. Just as much as a master of siege warfare as Dorn (both in offense and defense), but the lack of opportunities and recognition led him and his legion to be specialists of tearing shit down. The information of the lost Primarchs and their Legions is wiped, leaving Alpharius as the only non-lost Primarch to not see all others at least once (if the Rangda's Alpharius is someone else entirely) . They were supposed to have been defeated by the Emperor’s armies long ago, but due to the chaos spawned by the Horus Heresy, they took the advantage and started rebelling. He betrayed the Emperor, then his best friend Ferrus Manus, tried to sacrifice Perturabo for daemonhood, abandoned Horus' war to do his own thing with the majority of his Legion, and even during the battle of Terra itself his forces ran around butchering random civilian targets rather than participate in the actual siege. Davian Thule is a Captain of the Blood Ravens described as being widely respected, a good tactician, and very protective of the troops under his command. For all of his technological know-how and engineering skills, he never used those abilities to rebuild planets conquered by him and his legion. While he didn't get involved in Guilliman's Terran Crusade, the Era Indomitus has seen the Daemon Primarch become more active than he has been for millennia.

Jun 4, 2021.

Return of the Primarchs: A What IF? He was raised as a priest, and he was apparently very gifted at philosophy and was not afraid to ask questions. Lorgar was the most pious of the Primarchs, and showed some contempt for war in general. The Clans of BattleTech were originally descended from the self-exiled remnants of the Star League Defense Force (SLDF), who had departed the Inner Sphere after Stefan Amaris brought about the downfall of the Star League.General Aleksandr Kerensky led his forces to a hidden destination far from the Great Houses because he believed that a catastrophic war was … The model of Dreadnought Bjorn uses is 3.7 meters tall, and even thousands of years later he seems to have settled that rage down enough to welcome him back into the Legion as a Son, as shown in. Eldrad Ulthran is renowned as the most powerful and far-sighted psyker of the Eldar race, and was the Chief Farseer of Craftworld Ulthwé.

Marvel Heroic Roleplaying (abbreviated as MHR or MHRP) is the fourth role-playing game set in the Marvel Universe published by Margaret Weis Productions under license from Marvel Comics (after Marvel Super Heroes RPG, Marvel Super Heroes Adventure Game, and the Marvel Universe Roleplaying Game).It uses the Cortex Plus system. One of these tyrants fostered Mortarion, raising the child in a keep at the limits of the Primarch's toxin tolerance, but the youth eventually rebelled and left to aid his fellow man. The Khan is quiet, but he can quickly become the warrior: smile, laugh, bellow and be powerful when he sees the need. They barely Kept the Rebel Guard in check for 3 days, and suffered some casualties because of it. Emps obliged and gave him the template to create the Primarchs themselves, giving him the ability to train marines at an even faster rate.

Meaning you can only use it in 3000+ matches. Enter your email to get the very latest - news, promotions, hobby tips and more from Games Workshop. 'Tutelary' found its way back to into our vocabulary, though it is now synonymous with 'daemon', specifically the daemons Infernal Masters summon. Now a daemon prince, one of his first major campaigns was to invade the Space Wolves' homeworld.

Horus was a tactical prodigy, master diplomat, and strategic genius, employing other Space Marine Legions the way lesser commanders would deploy squads, utilizing the Primarchs' skills to the fullest and even encouraging their rivalries so they would try to outdo each other. In the end, Horus and his followers marched on Terra and laid siege to the Imperial Palace, but with loyalist reinforcements en route, Horus risked all in one last gamble. Deviations might just be a sign of a Chapter's circumstances affecting its internal culture and structure (e.g.

The ship's massive collison with the planet caused large amounts of dust to be thrown into the atmosphere, halting sunlight from reaching the planet, and effectively causing the planet to enter a seemingly permanent Ice age. Book Two: Teclis. His skin was weathered and decayed, pulled taut against his skeletal frame; there was no hair on his spotted …

Malcador does point out that there are different ways to play the game and realizes that destinies can unfold in different ways and that the Emperor is forced to make certain decisions in order to avoid losing outright, so the battle unfolds the same way no matter what strategies are used.

Message: Application for Disability Compensation (526) will be unavailable. "V: Sienna, I believe it would help your trial if you showed intent to go back to the College. Alpharius was the very first Primarch recovered. Released. Fulgrim soon recovered and embraced Chaos, and mortally wounded Rouboute Guilliman in the aftermath of the Horus Heresy before being driven into the Eye of Terror. They were also incredibly charismatic and were well suited to their role as the generals and leaders of the Imperium of Man.

Konrad Curze destroying his own planet after its rebellion convinced him he wasted his time bringing it peace.

The main attraction of 40k is the miniatures, but there are also many video games, board games, books, ect. By the time his agents are done: the enemy would either be tearing each other apart and/or distrustful of each other; making them isolated, easy pickings for the main Alpha Legion forces once they're called to reign the planet in. Space Marine Chapter

Malcador the Sigillite claims that the Primarchs had been manipulated from the start, and were to be maneuvered into their proper roles prior to the Horus Heresy and those which would not be manipulated would be removed. These creatures are sometimes utilised by both the Swedakiin Tribesmen and Alfa Legion for transportation and in battle. For all his charisma and leadership, Horus was still wracked with self-doubt once appointed Warmaster, constantly afraid that he was unable to live up to the title. Despite being a fabulous, angelic demi-god of war; he had mankind's best wishes at heart and fought for it with graceful ferocity, hell even the Primarchs couldn't resist Sanguinius being so bro-tier.

Went back to the warp after the Horus Heresy, where Nurgle gave him dominion over the Plague Planet, which he shaped into the image of Barbarus.

It's also worth remembering that 1d4chan isn't just a Warhammer resource. Know No Fear Developer. From least to most douchebag. TV Tropes When he emerged, Lorgar preached a new faith, the Primordial Truth of the Gods of Chaos. His death had little effect on his legion, however, and the Night Lords continue to prey upon the Imperium without cause nor mercy. The time of his life begins to tick as he battles addiction, fights the law and tries to maintain his girlfriend, Christine. Homeworld Perhaps Horus secretly quaked under this awesome authority, or his power may have led to dangerous hubris.

The Iron Warriors are a Loyalist First Founding Space Marine Legion known for their mastery at siege-craft, both in defence and assault. Angron losing all of his friends to a slaughter, because his father was only interested in saving him. Book 4 in the Global best selling The Horus Heresy: Siege of Terra series. However, rules dictate that neither vehicle can be taken in games under 3000 points.

Turns out Dorn killed Omegon and Alpharius is still very much alive.

Hilarity Ensues as the Emperor proceeds to have some... colorful critiques about the universe as well as … During the sending process; he accidentally destroyed the Emperor's webway project, causing him to be arrested by Russ and the Wolves to answer for his disobedience.

"Da Tragedy of Hamlet, boss of Denmark" by Shake-da-boss-pole, Two Missing Primarchs | The Forgotten & The Purged, which had extensive amounts of canine DNA added to it, File:Horus-Heresy-Lion-Great Crusade.jpeg, File:The horus heresy praetorian of dorn by raffetin-dae3g5k.jpg, File:Konrad-Curze-Primarchs-Warhammer-.jpeg, File:The horus heresy book 26 unremembered empire by raffetin-dap4ekw.jpg, File:Emperor Sanguinius Echoes of Imperium.jpg, that one episode he doesn't like to talk about, File:Roboute-Guilliman-Primarchs-Warhammer-40000.jpeg, File:Warhammer-40000-фэндомы-Horus-Heresy-Mortarion-2073409.jpeg, File:Magnus-The-Red-Primarchs-Warhammer-40000-фэндомы-4995855 (1).jpeg, File:Portrait.Warmaster Horus Remembrancer Sketch.jpg, single biggest clusterfuck in Imperial History, File:Vulkan-Primarchs-Warhammer-40000-фэндомы-4123369.jpeg, File:Warhammer-Corvus-Corax-Primarchs.jpeg. To Lorgar, the Emperor was just another tyrant. He is awfully fond of engaging in overly elaborate plots to tweak the balance of fate, presumably to preserve the Eldar as a species. A brutally honest and steadfast man, but was equally indifferent to those around him.
9th Company (Captain: C-Leader): Light Infantry Company, Thunderhawk Insertions, Jump-Assault and Tactical Infantry. As blades flash, the she-aelves shed their visage of cold and distant beauty, their ecstatic faces alight with each fresh kill. Went missing after heading for the Eye of Terror to atone for his sins, saying only "Nevermore" before leaving. Though the loyalists were initially outmaneuvered at every turn, Guilliman eventually led a dangerous attack on the Alpha Legion's command center, where he allegedly struck down Alpharius in single combat. The two Chapter Masters that had been on the planet perished as well, but their sacrifice was not forgotten. Hunter: The Reckoning was the flagship game of White Wolf's Year of the Reckoning.In Hunter, the player characters are imbued, chosen by mysterious powers to protect humanity against the monsters of the night.. By subscribing you confirm that you are over the age of 13 or have consent from your parent or guardian to subscribe. You will also find a great community of fellow Age of Sigmar fans just like you! This is best exemplified by Ultramar, which still remains one of the most powerful and idyllic planetary systems in the Imperium, even after 10,000 years. Magnus declared that they were his Thousand Sons, and went about instructing them in the ways of safely harnessing their powers, so that even his comparatively small Legion could achieve mighty victories during the Great Crusade. This had no effect on the Alpha Legion's performance, however, and the Ultramarines endured a week of guerrilla attacks and ambushes until they evacuated the battlefield and resorted to an orbital bombardment. Is the server down or did the website get taken down? http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/152862-artwork-libris-primaris/. He idolises the ways of. Horus, who would become the Emperor's favoured son, was in actuality, the second Primarch to be found. A possible hint at the cause of their descent is mentioned in Extermination in the section regarding the Alpha Legion of all groups. The Emperor had to put the kibosh on this genocidal maniac from doing any further damage by sealing him in a sarcophagus with an enchantment that would put the Angel into stasis until his casket was abducted in transit to Terra, rediscovered by the Inquisition, then set loose on a daemon prince before once again being lured back into the sarcophagus where he now remains in stasis. In the aftermath of this conflict, the Imperium underwent a substantial political restructuring known as the Reformation, designed to prevent another Reign of Blood from ever occurring. The following is a complete list of all Imperial Guard regiments created by our authors here on the Warhammer 40,000 Fanon Wiki. Publisher. The Dungeon Master is the Alpha Nerd* -- the beginning and end of the game, the universe and the god and the world and the history and the physics engine and the set dressing and the props and all the different ways those things interact and work together. The first Primarch the Emperor discovered was Alpharius, but it was right after the Primarchs' scattering, so the Emperor decided to keep Alpharius's existence in secret for safety.

Games Workshop have mentioned Primarchs besides the eighteen above on other occasions, but they backtracked since. The Primarchs rapidly grew to adulthood and quickly rose to power, often becoming the leaders of their world. Alpharius: Very loyal. The Alfa Legionnaires claimed the planet as their home and the crashed Battle-Pub was to be used as their Fortress-Monestary. Assuming that the survivors of the II and XI legions were mind-wiped and assimilated into the Imperial Fists and Ultramarines in The Chamber at the End of Memory (despite common misconceptions online, anyone who actually read the story would know that it does not confirm this, even if it's a possibility), it raises the question of where, if anywhere, the descendants of the two legions are now.

The 2nd accused Fulgrim of hubris. The Judgement of Harrion: Space Hulk orbiting Swedesia. At the end of the Great Crusade Warmaster Horus fell to Chaos, and eight of his fellow Primarchs followed him against the Emperor, resulting in a full-scale civil war known as the Horus Heresy.

A man is corruptible and fallible. The official 30K miniatures are produced by. Everything from his soldiers to their strategies were intensely drilled until their fighting was closer to a intricately-choreographed play of death than anything.

By K. Arsenault Rivera. He did so by training psykers to control and enhance their powers, in the hopes of showing to people the benefits of his kind's gifts. His crowning achievement is that he managed to fuck up Guilliman's Imperium Secundus by himself, no aid from his legion what-so-ever, something his brothers couldn't even come close into doing.

Dungeons & Dragons Explorer's Guide to Wildemount Once the Warmaster declared his rebellion and the Horus Heresy erupted, Lorgar took particular pleasure in ravaging the realm of Ultramar. The Daughters of Khaine move with quicksilver speed, carving into enemies like a whirlwind of steel. BUT NOH! The sight was a truly magnificent display of Imperial firepower, it looked like the orks were invading times two. Attack of the Necron This attack ended up as a massive catastrophe. As a psyker from birth, he was sympathetic to the discrimination faced by his fellow psykers and labored for his kind to be accepted. Maybe. Awaken Realms Digital.

... 1d4chan Wiki is a … If anything, Sanguinius is a reflection of what the Emperor could have been as a truly benevolent being, concerned not just for mankind's future, but man as individuals as well.

Polonus Prime is a recruiting world for Alfa Legion and it supplies Swedesia with its famous Polonian vodka, food, and a myriad of other supplies. Alpha Legion So much that he was tasked with fortifying the Imperial Palace.

The September 11th Victim Compensation Fund (VCF) provides compensation to individuals (or a personal representative of a deceased individual) who were present at the World Trade Center or the surrounding New York City Exposure Zone; the Pentagon crash site; and the Shanksville, Pennsylvania crash site, at some point between … A squad of Ultramarines answer a distress call from an Imperial Shrine World.

Each of the 20 proto-legions were led by a general analogue called a Primarch. Lupercal is also the name where Romulus and Remus were suckled by a she-wolf. She would always love her sons.

Just about everyone looked at Horus as the greatest among them.

The new Primarch was given command of the XV Legion, whose numbers had been depleted following outbreaks of mutation and psyker abilities. After what seemed like only a few moments the Chaos battleship began immediately ramming the nearest Chaos capital before blowing its entire munitions load all over the bridge of the offending capital ship. These are the most notable ships of the Chapter fleet. The Emperor was a dick like that. Specialty The Blood Bowl Wiki of Nufflepedia is a guide to the lore and fluff of Blood Bowl, the fantasy football game that . Crushes the horrors of Old Night, destroys worlds, whole civilizations, erase stuff from history. See Horus Heresy for tropes applying to that series, and the Horus Heresy: Age of Darkness Gaiden Game, which isn't mentioned in the main tabletop game.

Maybe Horus resented the way the Emperor claimed credit for his victories, or was worried about the fate of the Space Marines after the Great Crusade was over. Growing up in a blacksmith society allowed him and his legion to craft some of the finest wargear the Imperium has ever seen. It is very intentional that no lore exists about these two legions, making them completely unknown. Each of them have a page worth of special rules and unique wargear, both of which can be stupidly powerful to the point of broken, but that's OK since even the cheapest of the Primarchs costs no less than 350 points and eats an extremely valuable Lord of War slot that might otherwise be spent on a Thunderhawk or a Fellblade.

However, around 700 Space Marines still loyal to the Emperor broke off from the Alpha Legion, and sided with the Imperium during the civil war. The High Lords of Terra and the other Primarchs present agreed to the proposition, under the condition that they are to be kept under surveillance by the Inquisition as well. Now, he's the most infamous traitor in galactic history. This edition also includes the prequel short story 'Consequences', in which Uriel and Pasanius face trial for their breaches of the Codex Astartes, with their lives on the line.

Of these, the Valedictors and Rainbow Warriors were declared in a later White Dwarf to have been founded after the Second Founding. Many Space Marine Chapters except the Blood Ravens, The Steel Lords and the Space Wolves now looked upon the Alfa Legion with contempt at the very least.

No real ambition beyond endless slaughter, thanks to the butcher's nails augment jammed into Angron's brain. Both requested to construct the defenses of the Imperial Palace, but the Emperor chose Dorn over Perturabo as the Emperor did not consider BUILDING defenses to be Perturabo's job. An unstable sociopath, to say the least. May 27, 2021.

When the Emperor mustered up the resolve to finally end Horus, he shot him with a psychic blast powerful enough to obliterate his very soul, ensuring that the Chaos Gods couldn't just bring him back from the dead. Outage Starts (ET): 11/21/2021 at 0900.

Realtime overview of issues and outages with all kinds of services. Deceased, slain by Horus. The other is that the assassination vindicated everything he'd ever said and done; he punished and killed evil-doers and now the Emperor used his own methods to kill him, thus proving that all his atrocities were both justifiable and necessary. Sought to overthrow oppression, bringing justice to tyrants. 8th Company (Captain: Borealic Maiden): Heavy Infantry Company, Drop-Pod Insertions, Devestators and Terminators*. Horus was able to personally talk over three Primarchs to his cause, playing to Fulgrim's perfectionism, Mortarion's hatred of tyrants and psykers, and Angron's old grudge. Chapter Master Alfabusa stood in awe as the captain led a combined force of nine emperor class battleships and their supporting fleets directly through the center of the Chaos fleet, each ship wildly doing barrel rolls while shooting every weapon. Just when his brothers and sisters were preparing for their final stand, the Emperor arrived to claim Angron as his son. Shrouded in mystery. "When the traitor's hand strikes, it strikes with the strength of a legion." All menial tasks are carried out by its legion of Servitors.

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what happened to 1d4chan

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