japan religion percentage 2020

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japan religion percentage 2020

As it highlights trends in religious reactions to the coronavirus, such as a divide between policies enacted by “new” and “traditional” groups, the article discusses reasons for contrasting responses and points to dilemmas that will face Japan’s religious organizations after the pandemic subsides. Though we cannot expect to see results revealed before our eyes, we perform daily rites (gongyō), praying to protect the nation (chingo kokka) and for a bountiful harvest (gogoku hōjō).”.

These linked phenomena could be put right through propitious actions along with rites and edification offered by a network of government-supported Buddhist temples called kokubunji that were tasked with protecting the land, and by ritual specialists who interceded with the kami, deities understood to occupy sacred sites across the land and throughout the heavens. We’ve been forced to remain home, but this has given me time to plan. Murahachibu remains a common expression in Japan today used to describe social rejection of community members. Rites at the Shinto shrine Matatabisha in Kyoto to quell COVID-19. Expanded emergency measures were announced on March 28, and passage to and from Japan all but completely halted.

), Christian 58.9%, folk religion 17.6%, Buddhist <1%, Hindu <1%, Jewish <1%, Muslim <1%, other <1%, none 23.2% (2020 est.

Levi is co-author and co-editor of Kōmeitō: Politics and Religion in Japan (IEAS Berkeley, 2014) and co-editor of the special issue “Salvage and Salvation: Religion and Disaster Relief in Asia” (Asian Ethnology, June 2016).

), Orthodox 84.6%, Catholic 5%, Muslim 3.1%, Protestant 1%, atheist 1.1%, other 0.8% (includes agnostics, other Christians, Eastern, Jewish), undeclared or unknown 4.5% (2011 est. If it is possible to work from home and not travel, it’s possible for workplaces to shift from being concentrated in cities to residential zones in local areas. He supplements older communication methods by uploading short video encouragements (, ) to YouTube. Happy Science’s periodical The Liberty covered Ōkawa’s 14 March 2020 address in Sendai at which he expressed suspicion that the novel coronavirus had been developed in Wuhan laboratories and urged an investigation by the WHO. “COVID-19 will not put a stop to my activities. Most immigrants and foreign workers practice religions other than Buddhism or Shinto, according to an NGO in close contact with foreign workers. Between mid-February and early March, numerous groups that bear the label “New Religion,” including Risshō Kōseikai, Shinnyo-en, Seichō no Ie, and Sekai Kyūseikyō, like Soka Gakkai, were some of the first Japanese organizations of any sort to close their headquarters and cancel in-person events. Priests are legal representatives of religious juridical persons who manage temple operations and finances. facts. 3 (2016), 46-54. Japan immigration statistics for 2010 was 2,134,151.00, a 6.02% increase from 2005. Examples of grassroots-level online outreach abound. This volume concludes the two-volume sequel to Masao Abe's Zen and Western Thought. Like its companion, Buddhism and Interfaith Dialogue, this work contains many previously published essays and papers by Abe. Investigations revealed that at least one infected person visiting from Tochigi prefecture came into close contact with other attendees. ), Muslim 70.2%, Christian 26.2% (mainly Russian Orthodox), other 0.2%, atheist 2.8%, unspecified 0.5% (2009 est. Yes/no (5. He communicates with the group through a Facebook group he set up (about 100 members). ), Roman Catholic 50%, Protestant and other Christian 2.5%, Muslim 5%, Jewish 0.4%, Buddhist 0.3%, atheist 9.2%, none 32.6% (2009 est. Honolulu: University of Hawai`i Press, 2019. Confucianism, Taoism, and shamanism have also influenced Japanese religion. In some instances, sect guidelines lay out stark reminders of how important it is to curtail activities to halt the pandemic. Their activities gather earnings. They show the number of people who associate themselves with each religious group or denomination. They put in thousands of man hours, brought thousands of tons of emergency supplies to help survivors, and gathered millions of yen in donations. . Retrieved November 10, 2021, from https://www.statista . “Encouragements” are staple features of regular Gakkai meetings in which leaders urge their members toward success by overcoming this-worldly troubles, frequently by quoting speeches and writings of Soka Gakkai’s Honorary President Ikeda Daisaku (1928- ). The Facebook-based “Online Rosary Linked Sutra Reading” (Onrain Juzu Tsunagi Dokkyō) connects the Gifu Prefecture-based Jōdo Shinshū priest Gotō Hiromi with worshippers, regardless of their sectarian affiliations. This number is divided by the country's total population to derive the religion's percentage. We want you to feel that the Great Buddha is looking out to protect you all.”. This volume examines a category of Japanese divinities that centered on the concept of “world renewal” (yonaoshi). The Druze have a key presence in Syria, Lebanon, and Israel. However, we have decided to delay our temple’s usual rites and ceremonies.

), Protestant 75.3%, Roman Catholic 20.2%, other 2.7% (includes Muslim Buddhist, Hindu, and Baha'i), none 1.8% (2010 est. In a Buddhist context, wisdom (Jp. ), Roman Catholic 72.1%, Church of England 7.7%, other Christian 3.8%, Muslim 3.6%, Jewish 2.4%, Hindu 2%, other 1.1%, none 7.1%, unspecified 0.1% (2012 est. They opened their temples, shrines, and other facilities as refugee centers, sometimes for months at a time. ), Roman Catholic 81%, other Christian 3.3%, other (includes Jewish, Muslim) 0.6%, none 6.8%, unspecified 8.3% (2011 est.

The pandemic requires some painful swallowing of emotions, but this is pain to be put aside. COVID-19; coronavirus; religion; Japanese religion; online religion; ritual; disaster; Buddhism; Shinto; New Religions; Shugendō; Soka Gakkai; Happy Science. ), Muslim 99.1% (official; virtually all are citizens, an estimated 65% are Sunni and 35% are Shia), other 0.9% (includes Jewish, Baha'i, Hindu, and Christian; many are refugees or temporary foreign residents) (2020 est. Major infectious diseases. ), Lutheran 36.2%, Roman Catholic 19.5%, Orthodox 19.1%, other Christian 1.6%, other 0.1%, unspecified/none 23.5% (2017 est. This year’s report presents evidence that the absolute number of people who suffer from hunger continues to slowly increase. The report also highlights that food insecurity is more than just hunger. However, I have received many invitations to write books, columns, and essays, and to stream dharma talks. I wanted to know how they were dealing with the onset of COVID-19 in Japan; how adjusting to the call for self-restraint affected believers’ activities and institutional policies; what kinds of ritual responses individuals and institutions were devising; how religious professionals handled memorials, funerals, and other services for socially distanced parishioners; and how clergy coped with a sudden loss of income as in-person services were canceled. Religions. The service was organized by a Shugendō priest (ordained through the Yoshino lineage) who leads a confraternity, he established some years ago. One of the four religions to have originated in India, Buddhism has been followed for the past 2500 years albeit it is now restricted only in few Asian countries like Japan, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Burma. Statistics Bureau Japan. Information on Rinri Kenkyūjō’s Good Morning Ethics Academies (Ohayō Rinri Juku) is available here. ),” reported Mr. Andō, a Tokyo-area member of the Nichiren Buddhism-based lay association Soka Gakkai. ), Protestant 73.4% (Church of Melanesia 31.9%, South Sea Evangelical 17.1%, Seventh Day Adventist 11.7%, United Church 10.1%, Christian Fellowship Church 2.5%), Roman Catholic 19.6%, other Christian 2.9%, other 4%, unspecified 0.1% (2009 est.

Japan’s religious juridical persons (shūkyō hōjin) are included among organizations that may apply for special financial assistance included in a 108 trillion yen (US$997 billion) stimulus package negotiated by Japan’s governing coalition in early April.43 Part of the package provided aid to businesses that suffered losses occasioned by COVID-19. *3:Geospatial Information Authority of Japan. ), Protestant 66.4% (includes Anglican 23.9%, other Pentecostal 19.5%, Adventist 5.9%, Methodist 4.2%, Wesleyan 3.4%, Nazarene 3.2%, Church of God 2.4%, Baptist 1.8%, Moravian 1.2%, other Protestant 0.9%), Roman Catholic 3.8%, other Christian 5.4% (includes Jehovah's Witness 2.0%, other 3.4%), Rastafarian 1%, other 1.5%, none 20.6%, unspecified 1.2% (2010 est. (November 24, 2020).

The Sōtō Zen Headquarters page, for example, reported on coronavirus contagions traced to their events. We were to maintain two meters between people and limit gatherings to no more than five.” As late as April 22, Reverend Masaki, a Jōdo Shinshū (True Pure Land) priest at a temple in rural Hyōgo prefecture, reported only minor shifts. The ideal entry-level account for individual users. We look for something that signifies that we can overcome the limits of a frightening situation, don’t we?

and funeral ceremonies in Matsuyama, Ehime prefecture. Japan, one of the world's most literate and technically advanced nations, is an East Asian archipelago country made up of four . They rely instead on local clergy to organize internet-based solutions. Because of COVID-19, community-related activities, such as funerals, sermons, and festivals, have been reduced or canceled. From February 4, 3,700 passengers aboard the cruise ship Diamond Princess were quarantined in Yokohama harbor. Aside from Russia, only two other countries - Bulgaria and Japan - have seen significant increases in the share of their publics who hold this opinion (17 points and 10 points, respectively). Tweeting on April 20, Tōdaiji priest Morimoto Kōjō sought to eliminate misunderstanding about what viewers were seeing. I am indebted to Micah Auerback, Erica Baffelli, Timothy Benedict, Caleb Carter, Bryan Lowe, Lauren Markley, Mark Rowe, Mark Selden, Shirahase Tatsuya, Jessica Starling, Takahashi Tomoaki, and Brian Victoria for their invaluable feedback. Shinto and Buddhism are Japan's two major religions.

Rather than simply delivering news on how New Religions were closing their headquarters, media investigations in fact activated their shutdown. ), Roman Catholic 77.3%, Protestant 4.6% (includes Church of the Nazarene 1.7%, Adventist 1.5%, Assembly of God 0.9%, Universal Kingdom of God 0.4%, and God and Love 0.1%), other Christian 3.4% (includes Christian Rationalism 1.9%, Jehovah's Witness 1%, and New Apostolic 0.5%), Muslim 1.8%, other 1.3%, none 10.8%, unspecified 0.7% (2010 est. I think he also hopes attendance will pick up over time. ), Roman Catholic 41.7%, Evangelical 38.8%, other 2.7%, atheist 0.1%, none 13.8%, unspecified 2.9% (2018 est. Muslim 99.7% (Sunni 84.7 - 89.7%, Shia 10 - 15%), other 0.3% (2009 est. services from his temple Myōhōji in Yokohama served as the example for a Zoom tutorial run for fifteen priests of different denominations. ), Roman Catholic 47.1%, non-Catholic Christians 11.1%, nondenominational 23.2%, Jewish 0.3%, atheist or agnostic 17.2%, other 1.1% (2006 est. Sikhism - Founded by the Guru Nanak (born 1469), Sikhism believes in a non-anthropomorphic, supreme, eternal, creator God; centering one's devotion to God is seen as a means of escaping the cycle of rebirth. Ever since “religion” was imported from English into Japanese in the mid-nineteenth century, groups dubbed “false sects” (jashū), “newly-arisen” or “upstart religions” (shinkō shūkyō), or “cults” (karuto), have served as functional opposites for those keen on declaring religious orthodoxies.13 “New” and “traditional” are arbitrated by politically motivated classification schemes that cleave boundaries between “real” and “false,” or “good” and “bad.” Groups that violate convention through aggressive proselytizing, attracting socially marginalized converts, seeking influence in electoral politics, and by otherwise not lining up with the status quo are regarded routinely as “false” and “bad” examples against which to determine “real” and “good” religion.14 Debate persists in religious studies about whether or not “New Religions” is a viable analytical category, given that distinctions between “new” and “traditional” practices tend to fall apart under scrutiny.15 The stigma that accompanies COVID-19 reinforces the fact that, scholarly concerns notwithstanding, the new / traditional religions divide has real-world consequences. Thus, it is typical for one person or family to believe . Found inside – Page 33This percentage is lower than that for politicians in the national parliament (20 percent). These figures indicate severe mistrust of religious institutions in contemporary Japan (Kisala 2006, 6). Despite the fact that the Roman ... These are messages from protector deities that hover above famous figures, living and dead, such as Donald Trump, Xi Jinping, and John Lennon. The Pandemic Exposes the “New Religions” Stigma, Trends in Japanese religious reactions to the coronavirus were apparent months before Abe declared a nationwide state of emergency. ), Orthodox 72.1%, Muslim 19.1%, Catholic 3.4%, atheist 1.2%, other 1.5%, unspecified 2.6% (2011 est.

Listen to the podcast by the author here on Japan on the Record. . The Statistics Bureau and the Director-General for Policy Planning of Japan play the central role in the official statistical system in producing and disseminating basic official statistics,and coordinating statistical work under the Statistics Act and other legislation. They opened their temples, shrines, and other facilities as refugee centers, sometimes for months at a time. I want to contribute to activity in the region by providing housing and meals (I’m vegetarian, you see) for women in my community. 30 (2017), 129-152; Dorman, Benjamin, Celebrity Gods: New Religions, Media, and Authority in Occupied Japan. 75 No. In his speeches and in the religion’s publications, the spiritual leader advanced Happy Science’s rightwing Japanese political agenda as it advertised his signature ritual practice as the most effective means of eliminating the disease. Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a Level 2 travel warning on March 25, advising against non-essential travel outside Japan. Catholicism is comprised of 23 particular Churches, or Rites - one Western (Roman or Latin-Rite) and 22 Eastern. Corporate solution including all features. Other variants on Protestant Christianity, including Pentecostal movements and independent churches, may lack one or more of these elements, and their leadership and beliefs are individualized and dynamic. Taoism - Chinese philosophy or religion based upon Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching, which centers on belief in the Tao, or the way, as the flow of the universe and the nature of things. When the earthquake struck that day at 2:46 p.m., adherents immediately put aside regular activities to travel to northeast Japan. Religions. But people in Japan today still live, at least nominally, as parishioners of both. We have not yet completely adjusted to this style, and it still feels inconvenient, but we’re figuring out how to reach out to those who are experiencing dukkha (suffering).

In addition to the Christian majority, there is a vigorous 4 percent Muslim minority . ), Muslim 56.7%, Roman Catholic 10%, Orthodox 6.8%, atheist 2.5%, Bektashi (a Sufi order) 2.1%, other 5.7%, unspecified 16.2% (2011 est. We don’t have epidemic patients here like they do in cities, so I’m making my regular rounds. A short announcement from February 26 by the Association of Shinto Shrines regarding coronavirus remained at the top of their homepage news feed in late April.

In mid-April, I began reaching out to religious practitioners in Japan via email, Facebook, Line, and other virtual means. ), Protestant 46.8% (Anglican 29.2%, Uniting Church in Australia 9.8%, Presbyterian 2.9%, Seventh Day Adventist 2.7%, other 2.2%), Roman Catholic 12.6%, other Christian 2.9%, other 1.4%, none 26.7%, unspecified 9.5% (2016 est. Sponsored link. 70 No. Groups of every sort are relying on local-level participants to stream regular activities. He received his Ph.D. from Princeton University after previous study at the University of Tokyo, and he holds a B.A. In an April 24 tweet, the Tōdaiji priesthood posted what became a widely forwarded photograph of clergy from other major Buddhist and Christian institutions lined up in solidarity before their temple.24.

The current crisis calls for pragmatic use of the most effective means to generate care for people and tradition.

), Muslim 77.1%, Christian 22.9% (2019 est.

Religion in Korea refers the various religious traditions practiced on the Korean peninsula.The oldest indigenous religion of Korea is the Korean folk religion, which has been passed down from prehistory to the present. There are also Shia and Ahmadiyya Muslim Communities in the country. From the earliest Japanese chronicles, the country’s written record makes clear that illness was not differentiated categorically from other calamities, such as political disarray, economic distress, earthquakes, typhoons, tsunami, drought, or agricultural blight. The workforce turned to the daunting task of telecommuting, even though at-home high-speed internet access rates in Japan remain low.4, COVID-19 rates continue to rise in late April, Overall, Japan lagged behind the global trend to flatten the curve of a logarithmic rise in infection rates. Critics are liable to point out that Japan’s 1947 Constitution assures a division between religion and government, and that government aid to religions may violate constitutional intent.
See also Toyo Keizai Online for statistical breakdowns of case numbers, testing rates, and other data. Moving examples of COVID-19’s harsh consequences and online solutions devised by clergy attracted attention from major Japanese media outlets. At the same time, they made realistic assessments about how the pandemic will exacerbate difficulties that afflict their groups, and Japan as a whole.
This book is intended to give a basic, yet detailed view of the Shinto world for a beginner. This book traces the path of Shinto starting from its ancient origins to its present day. When I asked my Soka Gakkai friends if they were conducing, or other meetings online, they laughed.

The most common figures of devotion are the gods Vishnu, Shiva, and a mother goddess, Devi. He’s very charismatic and personable. As of 1 January 2021, the population of India was estimated to be 1,390,537,387 people. Schools across Japan were requested to close from March 2, and many businesses shortened their hours or shut their doors. It provides the best estimates for each of the religions as well as major traditions for Muslims, Christians, Hindus and Buddhists, in every country in the world (234) for the period 1900 to 2050. Sikhism emphasizes equality of humankind and disavows caste, class, or gender discrimination. I have begun broadcasting my thoughts via YouTube because I can’t meet with people directly. ), Muslim 53.5%, Roman Catholic 10.6%, other Christian 35.3%, other .6% (2018 est. See also Fujiyama Midori, Rinshō shūkyōshi. When I asked my Soka Gakkai friends if they were conducing zadankai or other meetings online, they laughed. They rely instead on local clergy to organize internet-based solutions. Found inside – Page 8Partly because of this initial pattern of proselytizing , Christianization in Japan developed an interesting social pattern . In Meiji Japan , 30 percent of the converts to Protestant Christianity were of samurai origin .

On March 6, fifty shugenja (Shugendō renunciants) gathered at a daikitōe, a “great prayer assembly,” a goma kuyō put on jointly by Kinpusenji and the temple Ōminesanji.

This expression is apt, Asahikawa stressed.

Happy Science provided information on the service in English. Download Historical Data.

In exploring Japanese philosophy, a dependable guide is essential. The present volume, written by a renowned authority on the subject, offers readers a historical survey of Japanese thought that is both comprehensive and comprehensible. )note: Zanzibar is almost entirely Muslim, Buddhist 94.6%, Muslim 4.3%, Christian 1%, other <0.1%, none <0.1% (2015 est. From last year, I started an internet radio broadcast, and I’ve been putting my efforts into that as well.” Reverend Ōmori, a Jōdo Shinshū priest who lives in Tokyo as a salaried employee while he still serves his family’s temple in rural Yamaguchi prefecture, discussed his online connections with parishioners: To get close with those who are suffering because of coronavirus, we are broadcasting sermons via YouTube and Zoom. . Respect for the kamis in nature is a key Shinto value. as of September 1, 2020. Despite a few technical hiccups, I thought it went smoothly and successfully. Attendance at the hospital’s chapel services is restricted, and the hospital is asking overwhelmed staff to watch streamed services remotely. Honolulu: University of Hawai`i Press, 2004. November 24, 2020. There has been only one funeral, and we were forced to limit attendance to close relatives because of corona. Japanese Temple Buddhism: Worldliness in a Religion of Renunciation. Buddhism was introduced to Korea from China during the Three Kingdoms era in the 4th century, and the religion flourished until the Joseon Dynasty, when Confucianism became the . Please authenticate by going to "My account" → "Administration". On March 2, the 89-year-old charismatic church founder Lee Man-hee bowed on his knees in apology at a press conference. Details on Interfaith Chaplaincy training at Tohoku University’s Department of Practical Religious Studies are available here. The yearbook covers all fields of statistics published by government and private organisations. All things are in a state of continual change. I’ve decided to set 10 a.m. to noon every day as my time to chant. Buddhism - Religion or philosophy inspired by the 5th century B.C. We have not yet completely adjusted to this style, and it still feels inconvenient, but we’re figuring out how to reach out to those who are experiencing. Now, we are distanced as we continue with our mission, this is a big difference. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2012; Maxey, Trent Elliot, The “Greatest Problem”: Religion and State Formation in Meiji Japan. Timothy Benedict, an authority on chaplaincy who is an Assistant Professor at Kwansei Gakuin University, reported that chaplains at a Christian hospital in Osaka have basically stopped visiting new patients and can only attend patients on wards if they specifically request a visit. in the summer one month in advance. “We still lead the life of the monastic. However, online access now allows practitioners unprecedented chances to innovate across physical divides. If it is possible to work from home and not travel, it’s possible for workplaces to shift from being concentrated in cities to residential zones in local areas.

), Christian (overwhelmingly Roman Catholic) 63-66%, Muslim 7-9%, Buddhist 0.5-0.75%, Jewish 0.5-0.75%, other 0.5-1.0%, none 23-28% (2015 est. Their sense of self relies on group activities, and the survival of religious groups relies on solidarity their participants cultivate through interpersonal bonds. Before, during the Second World War, it was “this cannot be helped” (shikata ga nai). Major Shugendō affiliate temples have been responding to the pandemic in ancient ways. For links between epidemic and premodern Japanese epistemes, see Como, Michael, “Horses, Dragons, and Disease in Nara Japan.”, Population, Disease, and Land in Early Japan. ), nominally Roman Catholic 96%, Protestant 2%, other 2%, Catholic 6.1%, Buddhist 5.8%, Protestant 1%, other 0.8%, none 86.3% (2009 est. For discussions of ways the “sacred forest” is promoted within contemporary Shinto, see Rots, Aike P., Shinto, Nature and Ideology in Contemporary Japan: Making Sacred Forests, Detailed explanations of proper funeral procedures, flow charts for procedures in the event of contagion, and histories of Sōtō Zen practices during disaster appear in, documents uploaded by the Sōtō sect’s Tokyo Yūdōkai, updates from the United Church of Christ in Japan, Information on Rinri Kenkyūjō’s Good Morning Ethics Academies (Ohayō Rinri Juku) is available, Agreement on the stimulus package was reached after a tense standoff within the national governing coalition between the Liberal Democratic Party and its junior partner Komeito, the party founded by Soka Gakkai. Japan refugee statistics for 2018 was 1,893.00, a 13.52% decline from 2017.

There are probably examples of districts where young leaders with exemplary skills are running meetings online, but here we’re basically encouraging one another other via telephone and letters.

Religions were frequently on the scene before government agencies and NGOs arrived, and religion-affiliated activism comprised a major percentage of the funding and volunteer hours dedicated to the disasters’ aftermath. “We still lead the life of the monastic. 18 Issue 7 No. We’re under emergency orders, so this can’t be helped (, Journalists picked up on the fact that New Religions were among the first Japanese organizations to shutter their offices and strictly require that their participants communicate remotely. For Takahashi, responding to COVID-19 is contiguous with other revitalization efforts.

I think he also hopes attendance will pick up over time. This included applying sanitizer, requiring that priests and parishioners wear masks, and reducing risk by avoiding the “three closes”: enclosed spaces with poor ventilation, close physical proximity, and physical contact. Honolulu: University of Hawai`i Press, 2019. )note: data represent persons at least 16 years of age from five Ecuadoran cities, Muslim (predominantly Sunni) 90%, Christian (majority Coptic Orthodox, other Christians include Armenian Apostolic, Catholic, Maronite, Orthodox, and Anglican) 10% (2015 est. We seek delivery from suffering in the moment, but once suffering is past we do not linger on it. A 16 April 2020 Times article titled “Inside the Fringe Japanese Religion that Claims It Can Cure COVID-19” mobilized two click-bait tropes: “nefarious cults” and “those quirky Japanese.”16 By leaning heavily on eyebrow-raising details, the article gestured toward prurient fears of an exotic “cult” and reprised the tried-and-true cliché of Japan as wacky Other—a perennial, and essentially racist, media standard that encourages readers to assure themselves of their comparative normalcy.17 To be fair “nutty cult” and “nutty Japan” clichés fit Happy Science like a glove. In front of an altar of Tibetan, (paintings of sacred images) and other Buddhist objects in his friend’s home, he led prayers to end the virus, chanted the, (esoteric hand gestures), chanted a number of, devoted to various Shugendō and Buddhist divinities, and played the, . In 2020 the natural increase was negative, as the number of deaths exceeded the number of live births by 219,134. ), Protestant 59% (Baptist 42%, Episcopalian 17%), Roman Catholic 34%, other 7%, Muslim 80-85% (predominantly Sunni), Jewish 12-14%, Christian 1-2.5% (mainly Greek Orthodox), other, unaffiliated, unspecified <1% (2012 est.

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japan religion percentage 2020

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